Borders kill! Demonstration 03.02.2024 INNSBRUCK

Quelle: emrawi

The consequences of imperialism and (neo-)colonialism are driving more than 110 million people worldwide into flight. The suffering of Refugees is undeniably linked to the wealth and profit of the West.

People who make their way to Europe are criminalized and are exposed to extreme violence and mortal danger from border police and Frontex soldiers along their entire route.

Right-wing, conservative and pseudo-left parties aswell as media are using racist propaganda to create an anti-refugee and anti-migrant atmosphere. Their aim is to devalue refugees and migrants in order to better exploit them and distract from the current crisis of capitalism.

Let’s show solidarity instead of letting ourselves be divided and take to the streets together on February 3. Against imperialism, racism & fascism – against the European border regime! The protest should be colorful and diverse, but there should also be room for grief and anger. After the demonstration we will celebrate together.

Come and bring your friends.
