About the ABC Vienna

What is the Anarchist Black Cross?

ABC is a collective of groups, which are in part organized in networks, and in part loosley connected together. The main focus lies in the support of social and political prisoners and dealing with the prison system and repression from an anarchist point of few. As well as actions of solidarity (letter-exchange with prisoners, demonstrations and gatherings, providing financial support, organising legal support, supporting the relatives of prisoners, etc.). Although focus is not only on prisons form the anarchist and social movement. There is the attempt to critizise the prison system in a broader context, and actively support.

The ABC is also a network created for the prisoners out of the anarchist movement and social struggles, to fall back on. As Anarchists we see the prison as an instrument of control by the state and we are convinced that the state and its institutions have to be abolished. Our image of how society should be organized does not base itself on the principles of control and punishment, but instead works on the basis of mutual aid and solidarity. We believe that the origins of most 'criminal actions' lie in the field of conflict between the state and the masses, and are not inherent in human beings, but are a product of the capitalist industrial society.

Historical Background

Anarchist Black Cross was founded in tsarist Russia to support political prisoners who were arrested by police and for defense against the kosak army. The orginial name Anarchist Red Cross was changed so as not to get mixed up with the Red Cross, which was also active at this time. As repression grew stronger in Russia the ABC changed place and went to Berlin to continue their political work. The organisation broke up in the 1930s because of a lack of financial gain and state repression. In the 1960s the ABC came up again in Great Britain and worked mostly in supporting the political prisoners who had organised the resistance against the franco regime. Today there are many groups in Europe and the USA. But there are also other active ABC groups existing the world over.


The Prison Society

Meanwhile the prison structures have made their way over the walls and have reached society. For example surveillance in public spaces, special forms of labour organisations, and the psychiatric system. The use of shackles and house arrest are not, like the state so often presents it a form of looser imprisonment. With such actions, the structures of control became part of the so called 'free' society. That this society outside of the walls is free, is a mistake, and we have to realize that living outside of prisons does not mean living in freedom. Also the function of deterrence should not be underestimated, because people are even frightened of the very thought of being sent into prison, and so they are less inclined to make actions against the state and its institutions. As a result of this, the prison has a control function already outside its walls.


No question of guilt and innocence

For us it is important to refuse all prisons and their structures absolutely. It is not about more human prisons, whatever this would mean for a lot of people, it is about the total abolishment of these existing institutions. It is also not relevant if a person, affected by state repression and the prison system, was imprisoned for violent actions or not. Or if prisoners see the use of violence as a legetimate way of their political practice. This is an important point in our critique on prison itself, because of this we dissociate ourselves from any reformist groups (e.g. Amnesty International) and their political practices, which includes the differantation of more or less worthy people support. We refuse to accept this and don't think it is worth supporting. Because of this we declare solidarity with every single prisoner.

It is clear that we don't want to and will not directly support people who have racist, sexist, homophobic, fascist motives and opinions because of our own beliefs. As the final step we are for the release of every single person from prison and other detention centers because all the above mentioned attitudes strive in the middle of our society, and are grown in the structure we want to abolish. Although we think, that the social background contributes to the make up of the individual, we don't want to dismiss the free will of anyone or the ability to choose for oneself. The distinctions between social and political prisoners, or those who got politicised in prison, or were already beforehand politically active means nothing to us.


Building up a movement

The decision not to work with reformist groups is not meant in an elite way. We are open to all hierarchy critical and emancipatory groups, and with the wish to exchange ideas and work together. That means: not only groups which define themselves as anarchists, but also those who are supporting prisoners out of class war and social struggles, or supporters of migrants which are in trouble with deportation. This exchange with other groups is important to build structures and networks, which can help to become a broad antiprison movement.

(Anarchist Black Cross Vienna, October 2008)
