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Operazione Scintilla – Italien

Am Donnerstag, den 7. Februar 2019, begann um 4:40 Uhr in der Früh die Räumung des seit 1995 besetzten Squats “Asilo occupato” (“der besetzte Kindergarten”) in der Via Alessandria 12 in Turin. Die Räumung wurde im Rahmen der “Operazione Scintilla” (“Operation Funke”) durchgeführt. Mehrere hundert Carabinieri in Kampfuniform, Polizist*innen und Zollbeamt*innen mit Maschinengewehren und Zivis haben dabei nicht nur das Haus geräumt, sondern auch sechs Anarchist*innen verhaftet, die mittlerweile (Juli 2020) alle wieder freigelassen wurden. Nach einer siebten Person wird noch gefahndet – mittlerweile (Juli 2020) ist sie leider auch festgenommen worden.

Die Anklagen sind schwerwiegend: Bildung einer subversiven Vereinigung, Anstiftung zu Verbrechen sowie der Besitz und die Herstellung und Beförderung von Sprengkörpern an einem öffentlichen Ort. Die Anklagen stehen im Zusammenhang mit dem Widerstand gegen das italienische Migrationsregime, namentlich gegen die Ausschaffungslager/-knäste CPR bzw. CIE (Centro per l’Immigrazione e il Rimpatrio = Immigrations- und Repatriierungszentrum bzw. Centro di identificazione ed espulsione = Identifikations- und Ausschaffungszentrum). Das Asilo wurde im Rahmen dieser Operation geräumt, weil es vom Staat als “logistische und operative Basis” dieser “subversiven, aufständischen Vereinigung” betrachtet wird.

Die Räumung des Asilo wurde von den Besetzer*innen 36 Stunden verzögert, weil sich einige auf die Dächer zurück gezogen hatten. Parallel organisierten Sympathisierende wilde Demos in der Stadt, bei denen es zu Zusammenstössen mit der Polizei gekommen ist. Das Asilo wurde in den letzten Tagen unbewohnbar gemacht (Zerstörungen im Innern, zugemauerte Fenster etc.).

Nach fast eineinhalb Jahren auf der Flucht, genauer gesagt seit dem 7. Februar 2019, als das Asilo-Squat geräumt wurde und die Operation Scintilla begann, wurde Carla mit einem Haftbefehl gesucht. Am 23. Juli in St. Etienne in der. Nähe von Lyon wurde sie leider festgenommen. Die Operation wurde von etwa einem Dutzend mit Sturmgewehren bewaffneten Polizist*innen der BIZ (Brigade De Recherche et d’Investigation) und der DGSI (Direction Générale de la sécurité Intérieure) durchgeführt, die sie auf den Boden warfen, mit Handschellen fesselten und in ein Auto luden.



Operation Renata – Italien

In der Nacht und am Morgen des Dienstags, 19. Februar 2019, wurden sieben Anarchist*innen an verschiedenen Orten im Trentino verhaftet: Agnese, Giulio, Nico, Poza, Rupert, Sasha, Stecco. Eine Person wurde unter Hausarrest gestellt, während alle anderen in verschiedenen Gefängnissen eingesperrt wurden.

Die Hauptvorwürfe sind “subversive Assoziation zum Zwecke des Terrorismus und der Untergrabung der demokratischen Ordnung” (Artikel 270bis des Strafgesetzbuches) und “terroristischer Angriff” (Artikel 280 des Strafgesetzbuches) unter Bezugnahme auf einige direkte Aktionen, die in den letzten Jahren im Trentino stattfanden. Andere Straftaten, denen sie beschuldigt werden, sind: “Unterbrechung des öffentlichen Dienstes”, “Beschädigung”, “Sabotage von Telematik-Geräten”, “Feuer” und “Transport von explosivem Material”. Zur gleichen Zeit wurden 50 Hausdurchsuchungen durchgeführt, wobei etwa 150 Polizisten und Carabinieri für die repressive Operation mobilisiert wurden (die den Namen “Operation Renata” erhielt, anscheinend ein Name, der von dem Spitznamen eines von einigen Gefährt*innen benutzten Autos abgeleitet ist). Die Untersuchungen wurden von Digos (Staatspolizei) und ROS (Carabinieri) durchgeführt. Am selben Tag der Verhaftungen fand in Rom eine Pressekonferenz statt, die von der Anti-Terrorbehörde organisiert wurde.




Operation Prometeo – Italien

Am 21. Mai 2019 sind im Rahmen einer weiteren repressiven Operation namens „Prometeo“ (Prometheus) der ROS der Carabinieri die drei anarchistischen Gefährt*innen Natascia, Beppe und Robert verhaftet worden. Es wurden auch einige Durchsuchungen durchgeführt. Medien berichten, der Hauptvorwurf sei “Angriff mit dem Ziel des Terrorismus oder der Subversion”, da sie für die Versendung von drei Paketbomben im Juni 2017 an die P.M. Rinaudo und Sparagna (letztere ist der Staatsanwalt im Prozess um die Operation “Scripta manent”) und an Santi Consolo, den damaligen Direktor des DAP (“Department of Penitentiary Administration”) in Rom, verantwortlich gemacht werden.

Giuseppe Bruna
C. C. di Bologna “Dozza”
via del Gomito 2
40127 Bologna

Natascia Savio
C. C. di Roma Rebibbia femminile
via Bartolo Longo 92
00156 Roma


Operation Bialystok

[27.04.2021 bis auf Claudio wurden alle, teilweise unter Auflagen, aus dem Knast entlassen]

Am Morgen des 12. Juni 2020 inszenierten die Ros eine weitere anti-anarchistische Repressionsoperation, diesmal unterzeichnet von der Staatsanwaltschaft Rom. Zwei Gefährt*innen landen unter Hausarrest und fünf weitere werden auf italienischem, französischem und spanischem Gebiet verhaftet. Zu den Vorwürfen gehört, wie es heute gängige Praxis ist, der Vorwurf der subversiven Vereinigung zum Zwecke des Terrorismus und der Anstiftung zur Kriminalität. Wieder einmal geht es darum, diejenigen zu treffen, die Solidarität als offensive Praxis beanspruchen und ihre anarchistischen Gefährten und Gefährtinnen aktiv im Rahmen der Repression unterstützen.

Wie im vergangenen Monat in Bologna bei der Operation Ritrovo wiederholen sich die Methoden: Polizist*innen in Sturmhauben, in einigen Fällen wurden Waffen benutzt und Türen aufgebrochen, Telefone beschlagnahmt, Durchsuchungen und Beschlagnahmungen von Computer- und Papiermaterial.

Claudio Zaccone
C. C. di Siracusa
strada Monasteri 20/C
Contrada Cavadonna
96014 Floridia (Sr)



Garbiel Pombo da Silva

Die Klandestinität des anarchistischen Gefangenen Gabriel Pomba Da Silva ist nach etwa eineinhalb Jahren am Samstag, den 25. Januar 2020, beendet worden. Er wurde auf portugiesischem Territorium, aufgrund eines internationalen Haftbefehls mit einer angeblichen Reststrafe von mehr als zehn Jahren verhaftet (eine persönliche Rache, die in ein juristisches „Detail“ umgewandelt wurde).

Gabriel trug weiterhin mit seinen Schriften zum anarchistischen Kampf bei. Er ist derzeit in einer Zelle der Justizpolizei in Porto eingesperrt und wird am Montag in den Gerichtssaal gebracht, wo über seine Auslieferung nach Spanien entschieden wird.

Gabriel Pombo da Silva
C.P. Mansilla de las Mulas
Paraje Villahierro
24210 – Mansilla de las Mulas (León)





Die drei von der Parkbank sind im Moment wieder auf freiem Fuss

In der Nacht auf den 8.7.2019 wurden drei unserer Freund*innen und Gefährt*innen festgenommen und daraufhin mehrere Wohnungen durchsucht. Nach der Haftprüfung sitzen nun zwei in U-Haft, die dritte Person kam gegen Auflagen raus. Ihnen wird laut Presse die Vorbereitung einer Brandstiftung im Zusammenhang mit dem Jahrestag der Krawalle gegen den G20-Gipfel 2017 in Hamburg vorgeworfen.

Seid solidarisch und zeigt ihnen, dass sie nicht alleine sind!

Wenn ihr ihnen schreiben wollt, schickt die Briefe an:

Libertäres Zentrum
Karolinenstraße 21 (Hinterhaus)
20357 Hamburg

Stichwort „Die Drei von der Parkbank“



27F Gefangene in Barcelone

Am 3. März 2021 wurden mehrere Personen von der katalanischen Polizei verhaftet und wegen Störung der öffentlichen Ordnung, versuchtem Mord, krimineller Vereinigung und illegaler Demonstration nach den Unruhen Ende Februar angeklagt. Insbesondere wird ihnen vorgeworfen, am 27. Februar (während einer tumultartigen Demonstration) einen Wagen der Stadtpolizei von Barcelona in Brand gesetzt zu haben. Eine Begleiterin, Sara, wurde am Montag, dem 22. März, freigelassen, steht aber weiterhin unter Anklage.


Alberto Frisetti
Brians I, Modulo 4
Carretera de Martorell-Capellades, km 23, Bajo, Sant Esteve Sesrovires
Codigo Postal (C. P.) 08635, Barcelona — España

Luca Callegarini
Brians I, Modulo 4
Carretera de Martorell-Capellades, km 23, Bajo, Sant Esteve Sesrovires
Codigo Postal (C. P.) 08635, Barcelona — España

Ermanno Cagnassone
Brians I, Modulo 2
Carretera de Martorell-Capellades, km 23, Bajo, Sant Esteve Sesrovires
Codigo Postal (C. P.) 08635, Barcelona — España

Danilo Infantino
Brians I, Modulo 4
Carretera de Martorell-Capellades, km 23, Bajo, Sant Esteve Sesrovires
Codigo Postal (C. P.) 08635, Barcelona — España

Emmanuele Agliano
Brians I, Modulo 2
Carretera de Martorell-Capellades, km 23, Bajo, Sant Esteve Sesrovires
Codigo Postal (C. P.) 08635, Barcelona — España

 Jalienne S.
Brians I, Modulo 1 femenino
Carretera de Martorell-Capellades, km 23, Bajo, Sant Esteve Sesrovires
Codigo Postal (C. P.) 08635, Barcelona — España



G20 Gefangene






















zum Anfang

Svyatoslav Baranovich

Svyatoslav Baranovich ist ein aktiver Einwohner von Minsk, der am 15. Februar 2018 vor Gericht gestellt wird, da er versuchte die Inhaftierung von Anarchist*innen im März letzten Jahres zu verhindern. Am 15. März 2017 hat eine Gruppe von Anarchist*innen an einer Demonstration gegen die Steuer auf Arbeitslosigkeit teilgenommen. Am Ende der Demonstration versuchten Zivilbullen einige der Aktivisten zu verhaften, als der Block in einen öffentlichen Bus sprang. Zufällig dabeistehende Menschen versuchten die Cops an der Verhaftung zu hindern. Svyatoslav Baranovich war einer von ihnen.

Der Angriff der Cops wurde erfolgreich abgewehrt, aber einige Haltestellen später wurden alle Anarchisten verhaftet. Eventuell habt ihr von den gewalttätigen Verhaftungen und der 15-tägigen Haft für alle Beteiligten gehört.

Vor einiger Zeit erfuhren wir, dass Svyatoslav am 03. Oktober 2017 verhaftet wurde, da ihm vorgeworfen wird, Gewalt gegen einen Polizisten angewandt zu haben. Sein Prozess ist für den 15. Februar angesetzt und ihm drohen bis zu 6 Jahren Haft. Es ist auch bekannt, dass er an den Protesten 2010 gegen die Wahlen teilgenommen hat, bei denen er in einen Kampf mit SWAT Offizieren geraten ist, die Demonstrant*innen angegriffen hatten. Er bekam drei Jahre Hausarrest dafür, da gegen Belarus Sanktionen verhängt worden waren, wodurch Lukashenko viele politische Gefangenen freilassen oder die Bestrafung abmildern musste.

Heute rufen wir dazu auf, diese „antipolice person“, die durch seine Solidarität mit Anarchist*innen in Schwierigkeiten geraten ist, zu unterstützen. Wir wissen nichts über seine politische Einstellung, aber uns reicht das was er getan hat, um ihn zu unterstützen. Wir rufen dazu auf, ihm zu schreiben und für seinen Anwalt und Lebensmittelpakete zu spenden.

Möglichkeiten zu spenden findet ihr hier abc belarus

Ihr könnt ihm auch schreiben:

Baranovich Svyatoslav Vladimirovich
ul. Sovetskaya 22a
222160 Zhodino Minskaya obl.


For an extensive List of Prisoners in Belarus visit: abc belarus



zum Anfang



zum Anfang


Juan Aliste Vega
Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda

Marcelo was a MAPU Lautaro member and political prisoner for 11 years, two months and fifteen days from October 13, 1992 until December 28, 2003. Later, he was charged with taking part in the September 2007 Banco Santander robbery in Valparaíso and the October 2007 Banco Security robbery in Santiago during which repressive agent Luis Moyano died in a shootout while they were making their escape.

Marcelo Villarroel, Freddy Fuentevilla (released from prison in June 2018) and Juan Aliste Vega were arrested in 2009 after a long international manhunt. They were then deported to Chile on December 15, 2009.  They have been imprisoned for over 3 years awaiting trial and have had it regularly postponed.

On July 2, 2014, the 3 comrades were sentenced in their absence, having refused to assist in the judicial show, and gave their disposition by video link. Marcelo was sentenced to 14 years in prison for the assault on Santander Bank in Valparaiso and Banco Security. 

Later additional charges were added:
– Illicit terrorist association: 10 years and 1 day.
– Damage to a cop car with serious injuries to carabineers: 3 years + 541 days.
– Co-author murder qualified as terrorist: 15 years and 1 day.
– Theft with intimidation, Law 18.314: 10 years and 1 day.
– Explosive attack against the embassy of spain: 8 years.
In total, these old convictions compute 46 years, establishing its end on February, 2056.

 Juan was sentenced to 18 years for the homicide of Moyano + 10 years for attempted homicide on the cop Abarca + 14 years for the assault on Santander Bank in Valparaiso and Banco Security for a total of 42 years, establishing its end on July, 2051. 

 Support: Anti Prison Solidarity Network with Juan and Marcelo


Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda
Unidad Especial de Alta Seguridad
Cárcel de Alta Seguridad
Modulo H Norte
1902 Avenida Pedro Montt

Juan Aliste Vega
Unidad Especial de Alta Seguridad
Cárcel de Alta Seguridad
Modulo J
1902 Avenida Pedro Montt



Juan Flores

Juan Flores is serving a sentence of 23 years, having been convicted by the Chilean state for incendiary attacks in 2014 claimed by the Conspiracy Cells of Fire & International Conspiracy of Revenge. On July 23, 2014 a CCF cell bombed “The Dominicans” station of the Santiago Metro, and on September 8, 2014 a shopping mall in Las Condes. In both instances, measures were taken to ensure the bombs would not hurt anyone, but in the former a bag containing the bomb was moved by a Metro employee, and in the latter the police ignored a warning call the CCF cell made 10 minutes before the bomb was set to go off. As a result, the attacks ended up injuring people, so the Chilean state was able to claim they were meant to terrorize the population, and used an anti-terrorism law to obtain maximum sentencing on March 15, 2018 after proclaiming Juan guilty of both attacks. Two other comrades, Nataly Casanova and Enrique Guzman, were initially charged alongside Juan, but after over three years of imprisonment and criminal proceedings were found not guilty on all counts.

For more information:
Publicacion Refractario


Juan Flores Riquelme
Unidad Especial de Alta Seguridad/Cárcel de Alta seguritad
1902 Avda. Pedro Montt








zum Anfang

Thomas Meyer-Falk

„am 15. mai 1971 geboren, sitze ich seit der festnahme 1996 in haft, erst in isohaft in stuttgart stammheim bis frühling 1998, dann etwas „gelockert“ im bayrischen straubing, seit herbst 1998 in isohaft in bruchsal. verurteilt wurde ich 1997 wegen eines bankraubs mit geiselnahme, anlässlich dessen geld für legale und illegale linke politische projekte organisiert werden sollte. ich bin ein so genannter red-skin / rash = red & anarchist skinhead und da ich mich mitunter deutlich ausdrücke, erfolgten 2000 und 2004 weitere verurteilungen wegen nötigung, beleidigungen, bedrohungen – wie die juristen es nennen – „zum nachteil“ von vollzugsjuristen, richtern, staatsanwälten, sowie ein paar politikern (u.a. bundeskanzler schröder, bayrischer innenminister beckstein, hessischer ministerpräsident koch). insgesamt stehen 16 jahre 9 monate und drei wochen freiheitsstrafe an (ende 2013) und danach sicherungsverwahrung, d.h. eine entlassung ist unabsehbar.

ein wort zu der geiselnahme an dieser stelle: auch wenn es schlussendlich darum geht für eine bessere, eine freiere welt einzutreten, letztlich also eine gesellschaftsform die ohne gewalt auskommt, sehe ich keinen anlass das was ich getan habe zu bereuen, so schockierend das erlebnis für die geiseln in der bank auch war (physisch wurden sie nicht verletzt, aber die bedrohung mit schusswaffen über einige stunden hinweg, war unzweifelhaft ein psychischer schock). es ist nicht leicht die richtigen worte zu finden (zumal alles was ich schreibe erst über die zensur der gefängnisleitung geht); es geht weder um die marginalisierung der seelischen verletzungen der geiseln, noch um eine heroisierung dessen was ich getan habe. das ich nicht „bereue“ warf mir schon 1997 das gericht vor, das mich verurteilte … am ende bleibt vielleicht nur – schweigen!?

zu meiner aktuellen Situation (Stand: August 2013): nachdem ich im Mai 2007 aus der Isohaft in den Normalvollzug verlegt wurde, lehnten die Gerichte eine Entlassung nach 2/3 ebenso ab, wie nach Vollverbüßung im Juli 2013. Seit dem 08. Juli 2013 befinde ich mich deshalb in der JVA Freiburg in Sicherungsverwahrung.Das Landgericht Karlsruhe war Ende Juni 2013 zu der überzeugung gelangt, ich sei nach wie vor “gefährlich” für die Allgemeinheit, insbesondere, weil ich weder eine Therapie absolviert, noch mich in den Knast-Arbeitsprozess integriert hätte. Vielmehr hätte ich ein Leben in sozialer Isolierung geführt und auch die vielfältigen Brief- und Besuchskontakte seien unbeachtlich, da diese “nur” im Knastkontext bestünden und insoweit keinerlei prognostischen Wert hätten. Ziemlicher Nonsens, aber so agiert die Justiz nunmal.“

Mehr Informationen

Thomas Meyer-Falk
c/o JVA Freiburg

Hermann-Herder-Str. 8
79104 Freiburg



Rainer Loehnert

Rainer Loehnert ist 55 Jahre alt und seit über 31 Jahren in verschiedenen Knästen und Psychiatrien eingesperrt, wovon er sich lange in Isolation und auf „gesicherten Stationen“ befunden hat. Momentan wird er in der forensischen Psychiatrie in BedburgHau(NordrheinWestfalen) gefangen gehalten.

Rainer wurde aufgrund einer ihm zur Last gelegten Körperverletzung, die 32 Jahre zurückliegt, und mittels einer „festgestellten SchuldUnfähigkeit und negativen Gefährlichkeitsprognose nach § 63 StGB“ in eine geschlossene Psychiatrie eingewiesen. Mit der Folge einer inoffiziellen, scheinbar endlosen „Sicherungsverwahrung“ und Dauerüberdosierung von Psychopharmaka. Während seiner gesamten Inhaftierung wurden vor allem Rainers antifaschistische und antiautoritäre Haltung, Aktionen und Widerstandshandlungen immer wieder pathologisiert, als „krankhaft“ und „wahnhaft“ verklärt. Unwürdige Würmer, genannt Richter, Gutachter und Psychologen/Psychiater konstruieren und prognostizieren so regelmäßig seine „Krankheit“ und „Gefährlichkeit“ für die Gesellschaft.

Der Demütigung und dem Terror der Pfleger,Ärzte, Therapeuten, Gutachter, Richter, usw.und anderen Gefangenen (NeoNazis) stellte er seinen ungebrochenen Willen entgegen, sich gegen dieses Knastsystem zur Wehr zu setzen. Er ist inzwischen gesundheitlich gezeichnet sowohl durch die „Behandlungs“ Methoden, die starken Nebenwirkungen der Psychopharmaka und „Arznei“. Auch die Kämpfe haben ihn viel Kraft und Nerven gekostet. In den drei Jahrzehnten ging Rainer in etliche Hungerstreiks, unternahm mehrere Fluchtversuche und leistete unterschiedlichen Widerstand bei Rollkommandos sowie Provokationen des Personals und mitgefangener NeoNazis.

Er beteiligte sich am Hungerstreik in Solidarität mit den kämpfenden Inhaftierten in Griechenland im Juli 2014 und verweigert immer wieder Medikamente und Urinkontrollen, was oft mit Isolationshaft oder Fixierung/Zwangsmedikation bestraft wird.

Rainer schreibt und liest sehr viel und solidarisiert sich mit verschiedenen kämpfenden (Ex)Gefangenen, wie z.B. Marco Camenisch oder Gabriel Pombo da Silva. Er hält oder sucht Kontakt u.a. zu einigen AntiKnastProjekten und Individuen und informiert sich über aktuelle (herrschaftsfeindliche) Kämpfe.

Er versucht weiterhin mit (kämpfenden) Menschen innerhalb und außerhalb der Knäste weltweit in Kontakt zu kommen. Aktuelle (anarchistische) Kämpfe v.a. in Europa, sowie anarchistische Zeitungsprojekte aber auch „Klassiker“ der anarchistischen Theorien und Praxis bezieht Rainer in seine Überlegungen und Beobachtungen mit ein. Regelmäßig sind Texte und Briefe von ihm im Gefangenen Info und im Internet veröffentlicht.

Weitere Informationen

Rainer Loehnert
Südlicher Rundweg 20a
Haus 1, Station F 1/2
47551 Bedburg Hau




Manfred Peter

Manfred Peter ist 49 Jahre alt und seit über 25 Jahren inhaftiert, zurzeit in Lippstadt Eickelborn (Er nennt es treffend Ekelborn). Manfred kennt die „Autonomen“Zeit der 80er und setzt sich u.a. auch heute noch für eine Entkriminalisierung von Cannabis ein. Er äußert sich zu aktuellen politischen Ereignissen, wie z.B. zu den Protesten gegen den G20Gipfel.

Er war in verschiedenen forensischen Psychiatrien und versucht seit einiger Zeit auf Bewährung rauszukommen, jedoch wurde ihm z.B. verwehrt, eine eigene WG aufzumachen.
Manfred hat in den vergangenen Jahren Grußbotschaften zu AntiKnastTagen geschrieben, er kritisiert und thematisiert regelmäßig den widerlichen Alltag und beteiligte Strukturen in der Forensik in veröffentlichten Texten (Gefangenen Info, Internet oder „RadioFlora“ Interviews) und ruft u.a. zur antifaschistischen Solidarität auf. Im Juli 2014 wurde eine Broschüre  „Widerstand braucht Mut! Macht kaputt, was uns kaputt machen will!“ von Manfred veröffentlicht, mit einem Beitrag zum Solidaritätshungerstreik für die kämpfenden Gefangenen in Griechenland sowie einem Bericht über den Maßregelvollzug.
Manfred freut sich auch über Post von PsychiatrieGegner_innen (auch international), um sich auszutauschen oder spezielle Fragen zu diskutieren!

Weitere Informationen

im April 2020 aus dem Regelvollzug entlassen und im Sommer 2020 verstorben.

Statement von ABC Wien (erschienen in der Bruchstellen #63, Oktober 2020):
Wir hatten seit einigen Jahren einigermaßen regelmäßigen Briefkontakt mit Manfred Peter und veröffentlichen immer wieder mal Texte bzw. Briefe von ihm.
Auch nach seiner Entlassung, über die wir uns sehr freuten, schickten wir ihm weiter die Bruchstellen und hatten noch Kontakt. Sein Kampf gegen die Einsperrung ging über in einen Kampf gegen neuerliche Bevormundungen von Sozialarbeiter*innen.
Und dann erfuhren wir sehr überraschend von seinem Tod. Wir hätten ihm nach alle den Jahren ein gutes Leben außerhalb der Mauern gewünscht. (So weit dies eben möglich ist)

Knast und Repression tötet!




Andreas Krebs

Andreas ist ein rebellischer Gefangener, der über 16 Jahre in Deutschland im Knast sass. Er baute hinter Gittern die Gefangenengewerkschaft (GGBO) mit auf, führte diverse Hungerstreiks gegen die Knastbedingungen und beteiligte sich auch an einem Solidaritätshungerstreik für Gefangene in Griechenland. Bis heute veröffentlicht er immer wieder Texte gegen die Knastgesellschaft.

Im Herbst 2014 nach seiner Entlassung lernte er seine jetzige Frau Jutta kennen. Beide entschieden, einen ruhigen Lebensabend im Süden Italiens verbringen zu wollen. Ende Dezember 2016 kam es zu einer Auseinandersetzung mit seinem damaligen Arbeitgeber. Dieser ging auf Andreas los & würgte ihn. Andreas stach in Notwehr mit einem Taschenmesser zu. Das Opfer starb leider unter ungeklärten Umständen drei Tage später im Krankenhaus, obwohl es kurz nach der Tat hieß, er würde überleben.

Was darauf folgte, war eine beispiellose Hetzjagd gegen Andreas und Jutta. Via Facebook bekam Jutta Morddrohungen, während er im Gefängnis Santa Maria Capua Vetere von den Familienmitgliedern des Verstorbenen, die nach wie vor in diesem Knast arbeiten, misshandelt und gefoltert wurde. Da das Überwachungsvideo Andreas‘ Aussage bestätigte, sich verteidigt zu haben, kam er nach einigen Tagen in Untersuchungshaft in den Hausarrest. Dort waren sie ständigen „Besuchen“ der Polizei und dem Hass aus großen Teilen der Bevölkerung ausgesetzt. Die Familie des Opfers belagerte deren Wohnung, so dass Andreas und Jutta wochenlang nicht außer Haus gehen konnten. Schließlich sahen sie sich gezwungen zu fliehen und gingen zurück nach Deutschland. Dort wurde Andreas nicht einmal ein halbes Jahr später aufgrund eines europäischen Haftbefehls mit Hilfe der Antiterroreinheit der deutschen Polizei festgenommen. So befand sich Andreas im September 2017 wieder im deutschen Knast.

Im Dezember 2017 wurde er dann völlig unerwartet unter Beteiligung vermummter Cops einer weiteren polizeilichen Anti-Terror-Abteilung in die JVA Burg verlegt. Andreas berichtete immer wieder in Briefen von den untragbaren Bedingungen in den Knästen Volkstädt und Burg. Im April 2018 wurde Andreas schließlich vollkommen überstürzt nach Berlin Moabit in Auslieferungshaft überstellt, um schließlich im Mai 2018 als deutscher Staatsbürger nach Italien ausgeliefert zu werden.

Andreas befindet sich seitdem im Secondigliano, eines der größten Hochsicherheitsgefängnisse Neapels. Dort wurde seit 30. Mai 2018 der Prozess gegen ihn geführt. Im November 2018 fanden einige Prozesstage statt, an denen auch Andreas Frau Jutta vor Ort war. Im Gerichtssaal versuchten die Verwandten des Opfers auf Jutta loszugehen und bedrohten sie erneut massiv.

Am 1. April 2019 endete das Verfahren mit einem erstinstanzlichen Urteil wegen vorsätzlichem Mord zu 24 Jahren Haft. Andreas war vor der Auslieferung bereits körperlich und psychisch sichtbar gezeichnet durch die Haftbedingungen in den Knästen. Andreas’ kritischer Gesundheitszustand wurde systematisch ignoriert und verleugnet. Medikamente, klinische Untersuchungen und Operationen wurden ihm wiederholt verweigert. Zusätzlich waren seine Haftbedingungen verschärft, da ihm die deutsche Polizei ein Naheverhältnis zu (ehemaligen) RAF-Mitgliedern andichtet.

In Italien hat sich Andreas Gesundheitszustand weiter verschlechter. Andreas wurde Nierenkrebs diagnostiziert. In den letzten Wochen stand er vor einem akuten Nierenversagen. Er leidet unter sehr heftigen Wassereinlagerungen im ganzen Körper. Eine Überstellung in ein Krankenhaus und eine seit Monaten notwendige und auch von der Justizanstalt zugesicherte Operation wird ihm nach wie vor verweigert. Andreas ist wie eh und je aufmüpfig, setzt sich für andere Gefangenen ein und berichtet immer wieder vom gewalttätigen Alltag im Secondigliano, der Willkür durch die Wärter, die Verwahrlosung und Unterversorgung aller Gefangenen und den Rassismus gegen afrikanische Mitgefangene.

Weitere Informationen:


Andreas Krebs
Sez. 4 Stz. 5
Via Roma Verso Scampia, 250,
Cap 80144 Napoli (NA)


Hambacher Forst

Seit 6 Jahren ist der Hambacher Forst in der Nähe von Köln besetzt. Menschen errichten hier
Baumhäuser und verteidigen sie, um die Bäume auf denen sie leben zu schützen und den Wald zu
erhalten. Nichts desto trotz rücken Kohlebagger, Abholzgerät“ und Polizei immer näher.
Laut Gesetz gehört der Wald RWE, einem Energieriesen, der für die Braunkohleverstromung nicht nur
den 12.000 Jahre alten Wald zerstört, Lebensräume vernichtet, die Menschen aus den umliegenden
Dörfern vertreibt, sondern auch, allein im rheinischen Braunkohlerevier, 30% von Deutschlands CO2
Emission ausstößt. Seit 13. September 2018 wird die Waldbesetzung geräumt.
Weitere Informationeb:







zum Anfang





zum Anfang


Konstantinos Giagtzoglou

Anarchist comrade Konstantinos Giagtzoglou was arrested on October 28th 2017, while exiting a hideout rented by him under a false identity and while trasferring guns and explosive materials. Ntinos is accused of being a member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and for sending parcel bombs to various E.U. officials including the former prime minister of Greece, Loukas Papadimos. The cops’ accusations are based on a mixed DNA sample and on the fact that Dinos was visiting a former anarchist prisoner in Korydallos prison in early 2013. The comrade stated that both renting the appartment and transferring the equipment were part of “revolutionary solidarity” and denies all other charges.

Konstantinos Giagtzoglou
Dikastiki Fylaki Korydallou
Ediki  Pteryga, (basements of the women prisons)
T.K. 18122Korydallos,
Athens // Greece




Christos Rodopoulos

Most of the CCF prisoners are currently involved in a series of new trials dealing with the 250 bombings and arsons between 2008 and 2011 alleged against the organisation (including attacks on the Golden Dawn’s offices, the Athens Administrative Court, and Koridallos prisons), as well as the sending of a series of 14 parcel bombs. All are also under investigation concerning the ‚Phoenix‘ project and the ‚Operation Ardire‘ case. On July 8, 2016, the Koridallos prison court – presided over by special judge Asimina Yfanti – convicted all members of the anarchist revolutionary organisation Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF). Christos Rodopoulos sentenced to 75 years in prison. 

Christos Rodopoulos
Sofronistiko Katastima Domokou
TK 35010



Spyros Christodoulou

On May 29th 2015, during an anti-terrorist operation of the Greek police in the area of Nea Anchialos in Magnesia (in close distance to the city of Volos), Spyros Dravilas fell dead inside a safe house under unverified circumstances. The police operation against dubbed ‘Distomo robbers’ resulted not only in the death of Spyros Dravilas (an illegalist and ex-prisoner in struggle), but also in the arrest of Grigoris Tsironis (an anarchist comrade, very active over the past two decades, who was onn the run since 2006) and Spyros Christodoulou (an illegalist and unruly ex-prisoner).

Spyros Christodoulou
Dikastiki filaki KORINTHOU
T.K. 20100



Marios Seisidis

Comrade Marios Seisidis has been acquitted of six of the robberies that he had been accused of but was found guilty of the bank heist at Solonos street and three consecutive ‘attempted murder’ charges (concerning the bank guard and two police officers). He has been sentenced to 36 years imprisonment in total.

Marios Seisidis
Dikastiki Fylaki Korydallou
A .Pteryga,
TK 18110,



Fotis Tziotzis

On 24/02/16 begins the trial of anarchist Fotis Tziotzis who is accused of armed robbery and attempted homicide of DIAS cops. A month after the arrests a snitch, also accused of the robbery, gave the comrade’s name and signed everything the cops told him to. The last pieces of the puzzle were filled in by well-wishing citizens and cops, who with their testimonies contributed once more to a vengeful arrest of a comrade. Excerpt from the first letter of anarchist Fotis when he was arrested:

„In the early hours of Tuesday 12/05/2015, while eating with a friend at a restaurant, I am detained by cops of the ‘crimes against life and property’ force and taken to the Thessaloniki police headquarters. There, after a few hours I am informed that I am accused of armed robbery of a supermarket and attempted homicide against police. I deny all charges and refuse to cooperate with them at any level, a fact that led them to add contempt to the charges since I refused to give them a dna sample or fingerprints.

They will not break me this time either. We continue with head held high.

Strength and freedom to the real fighters. Fotis Tziotzis, Diavata prisons“

Fotis Tziotzis
Dikastiki Fylaki Larissas
TK 41110



Revolutionary Struggle

On April 10, 2010, the Anti-terrorist Department of the Greek Police arrested six people in Athens: Nikos Maziotis, Panagiota “Pola” Roupa, Kostas Gournas, Vaggelis Stathopoulos, Sarandos Nikitopoulos, and Christoforos Kortesis. All were known for their long presence in the anarchist/anti-authoritarian movement. Two weeks later, Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa, and Kostas Gournas admitted to participating in the organization known as Revolutionary Struggle (Epanastatikos Agonas). Stathopoulos, Nikitopoulos, and Kortesis denied the charges and stated that they were being persecuted for their years of anarchist activity and their comradely political relationships with the others. Two others, Marie Beraha and Kostas Katsenos, were also charged and included in the trial.

On April 3, 2013 the judgment on the Revolutionary Struggle case was handed down:
Nikos Maziotis was sentenced to 86 years’ imprisonment in absentia; his sentence was merged into 50 years. He was on the run for two years, was seriously wounded and arrested on July 16, 2014, after a shootout with cops in Monastiraki. He was then transferred to the tightly-guarded Evangelismos hospital, where he was hospitalised and has since been transferred to the new type C maximum-security prison in Domokos. [Updated: 30/12/14]

Pola Roupa and Kostas Gournas were both sentenced to 87 years (Pola sentenced in absentia); each sentence was merged into 50 years and 6 months.

For all three of them, the maximum prison term is 25 years (which are typically served either as a full sentence or by day wages in prisons, or after the completion of 3/5 of the prison term, when a prisoner can be granted conditional release under specific conditions).

Vaggelis Stathopoulos and Christoforos Kortesis were sentenced to 8 and 7 years’ imprisonment, respectively. The sentence against Vaggelis Stathopoulos was merged into 7 years and 6 months. However, in 2013 they were conditionally released (€2,000 bail, obligation to present himself twice a month at his nearest police station, ban from leaving the country).

Marie Beraha, Sarantos Nikitopoulos and Kostas Katsenos were acquitted on the benefit of doubt.

In addition, for all five convicted anarchists, the judges’ decision provided for deprivation of their political rights (5 years for the three admitted members of Revolutionary Struggle, and 3 years for the other two anarchists, Vaggelis and Christoforos, who denied R.S. membership).


Panagiota (Pola) Roupa (Revolutionary Struggle)

On April 10, 2010, Gournas, Maziotis and Roupa were arrested on the charges of membership in the armed organisation Revolutionary Struggle. After Roupa and Maziotis were released on bail in October 2011, they went on the run. In April 2013 Pola Roupa was sentenced to 50.5 years of jail while hiding. In 2014 Nikos Maziotis was seriously wounded in the skirmish with police and arrested. In February 2016 Pola Roupa tried to set him free using a helicopter, but the attempt failed. In January 2017 Pola was arrested in a secret flat were she was hiding with her 6-year old child and another woman. In July 2018 Pola received life sentence in court.

Panagiota (Pola) Roupa
Eleonas Women’s Prison (Gynaikeies Fylakes)
T.K. 32200




Nikos Maziotis (Revolutionary Struggle)

Nikos was sentenced to 86 years’ imprisonment in absentia in the Revolutionary Struggle case. His sentence was merged into 50 years. However, the maximum prison term is 25 years (which are typically served either as a full sentence or by day wages in prisons, or after the completion of 3/5 of the prison term, when a prisoner can be granted conditional release under specific conditions).

Nikos was on the run for two years, was seriously wounded and arrested on July 16, 2014, after a shootout with cops in Monastiraki. He was then transferred to the tightly-guarded Evangelismos hospital, where he was hospitalised and has since been transfered to the 5th wing of the new type C maximum security prison in Domokos. Updated: 03/01/15. Prisoners in these special wings may have their mail intercepted and it may not reach the intended recipient.

As a member of Revolutionary Struggle, Nikos Maziotis assumed political responsibility for the bombing at the Bank of Greece, framed within the second period in the ongoing action of the organisation. He received a life sentence and 129 years of jail for the formation and management of a terrorist organization, for 5 attempted homicide against police officers, 2 expropriations of banks and charges relating to commission, possession, construction of explosives, dangerous personal injuries, arson, weapons of mass destruction and arming, forgery, etc.

Nikos Maziotis
Dikastiki Filaki Domokou
T.K. 35010


Dimitra Valavani

Kostantina Athanasopoulou

Giannis Michailidis

On 29/1/20, anarchist Giannis Michailidis, Konstantina Athanasopoulou and Dimitra Valavani were arrested in Agia Paraskevi following their pursuit by the anti-terrorism. G. Michailidis was sought by the police authorities because of his escape from Tyrintha prison in June 2019 and K. Athanassopoulou for escaping before the announcement of a court order.  (  was arrested on January 2019, along with the fugitive then Pola Roupa, a member of the urban guerrilla anarchist Revolutionary Struggle, and claimed herself as a member of the organization. After being released on bail, she decided to flee and being in hiding in 2019 was declared in absentia at 35 years and 6 months in jail.) and D. Valavani was beaten by cop agents.

Comrade G. Michailidis took full responsibility for the weapons found in the car they were driving.

On 29th of June 2021 Giannis was sentenced to 20 more years.

The address  for the 3 Anarchist Comrades :

Dimitra Valavani was released on 30th June 2021

Kostantina Athanasopoulou
(Κωσταντινα Αθανασοπουλου)
Eleonas Women’s Prison
T.K. 32200

Giannis Michailidis
(Γιαννης Μηχαιλιδης)
Malandrinou prisons (Κ.Κ. Μαλανδρίνου)
T.K. 33053




Kostas Sakkas

Giannis Dimitrakis

Arrested on December 4, 2010 in Nea Smirni case (possession of weapons and explosives). In January 2014 released on bail and went on the run. In December 2014 was sentenced in absentia to 16 years. Was rearrested with Marios Seisidis in August 2016 and sentenced to 2 years and 9 months for using forged documents and car registration plates, car theft and disobedience to authorities.

On June 13, 2019 he was arrested with two other comrades in Thessaloniki, during expropriating a guarded money transport that was about to refill an ATM at the university hospital AHEPA. They were caught from cops of the counter-terrorism unit just when they were getting in their car to leave from the spot. The two comrades are Giannis Dimitrakis and Dimitra. There have been searches in their houses and many personal thing have been taken. Media create a wave of terror.


Letter from Giannis, Kostas and Dimitra, from the dungeons of the General Police headquarters

 From the dungeons of the General Police headquarters of Thessaloniki, we send comradely greetings to our comrades who once again stand in solidarity in our new adventures with the police-law repressive mincer.

We declare that we remain strong, with our dignity intact, our principles and values guiding our being. We will stand up to the new sufferings that the rulers of this world are preparing for us.

Not a step back!
Terrorism is wage slavery, no peace with the bosses.
Terrorists and bandits are States and capitalists.
Solidarity is our weapon.

 Giannis Dimitrakis / Kostas Sakkas / Dimitra Syrianou           16/6/19

Sakkas Kostas
Dikastiki Filaki Koridallou
A’ PTERYGA ( A’wing)
T.K. 18110
Athens // Greece

Giannis Dimitrakis
Sofronistiko Katastima Domokou
TK 35010


Vaggelis Stathopoulos

Am Freitag, den 11. September 2019, führte eine Anti-Terror-Operation zu der Verhaftung zweier Gefährten aufgrund des Vorwurfs einen Raubüberfall begangen und an einer terroristischen Vereinigung beteiligt zu sein. Gleichzeitig suchen die Behörden nach einem weiteren Gefährten, der ebenfalls mit den gleichen Vorwürfen angeklagt ist. Eine nahe Gefährtin wurde ebenfalls, allerdings unter geringeren Anschuldigungen, verhaftet.

Nachricht des anarchistischen Gefährten Vangelis Stathopoulos aus dem Anti-Terror-Zentrale GADA [Athens Polizeizentrale]

“Wieder einmal befinde ich mich in der GADA, angeklagt wegen Handlungen, die mich nicht betreffen, und das alles, weil ich nicht aufgehört habe, gegen Staat und Herrschaft zu kämpfen. Die von der Terrorismusbekämpfung ausgearbeiteten Szenarien sind mir egal. Ich werde weiterhin unerschütterlich kämpfen, entweder außerhalb oder innerhalb der Gefängnisse.

Vangelis Stathopoulos – GADA-Verlies”

Vaggelis Stathopoulos
Dikastiki filaki Larissas
TK 4111O



zum Anfang

Claire Taylor

Taylor (Claire Taylor) is an IPP prisoner that Smash IPP have been supporting. They had a tarrif of four years and have now done over ten years in prison.

Zur Info: IPP prisoners sind Gefangene, die “zum Schutz der Öffentlichkeit” eingesperrt sind. Mehr als 3989 Menschen sitzen aktuell in britischen Gefängnissen als IPP-Gefangene. Fünf Jahre, seit die Strafe gesetzlich aufgehoben wurde, bleiben Tausende immer noch in Gefängnissen ohne Entlassungstermin. Verzögerungen bei den Bewährungsauflagen, Überbelegung der Gefängnisse und reine Vernachlässigung führen zu beispiellosen Raten von Selbstmorden von Gefangenen. IPPs haben eine der höchsten Selbstverletzungsraten im Gefängnissystem in ihrer Gesamtheit und kann ungefähr mit dem hierzulande bekannten Massnahmenvollzug verglichen werden.

Taylor called this afternoon to say he had been shipped out to HMP Downview. Normally, when a prisoner is being moved they ask them to pack and if they refuse they take them to segregation. However, with Taylor they didn’t even ask them – six male officers “bent” them up. (Bent up is a prison term for when officers grab various limbs and hold you in a restraint so that you can’t resist, they then drag you to wherever they want to move you too. Many officers use this as an opportunity to take their shit out on prisoners, actively hurting them and using their physical superiority to dominate and terrorize someone). Taylor is trans and masculine presenting and moments like this can be an act of transphobia as much as anything else (screws will treat people of any gender like this but its common for them to ‘go in harder’ on men or masculine presenting people). Taylor has a hernia and doing this to him is seriously medically dangerous.

Taylor is incredibly distressed and traumatised by what happened and sounded so vulnerable on the phone. He cut open his chest near his heart (Taylor has a long history of self-harm in prison). They are feeling actively suicidal right now.

The prison offers zero courses or programmes that Taylor needs to complete for their parole. It is a terrible prison with loads of bang-up (time in cell) and its full of drugs. We will be launching a campaign in the new year to call for a transfer to a different prison.

Right now in this moment we are asking people to send cards of solidarity and stamps ASAP to Taylor. They were not able to pack their own bags, so they have lost many stamps and people’s addresses – so if you have been writing regularly to Taylor please ensure you include your address if you want a reply.

Taylor loves animals. They used to rescue dogs on the out, and especially loves staffies. They love the ocean and grew up by the sea. They also love tattoos and piercings. They are trans and welcome any queer penpals too! Please take 5 minutes of your time to write them a card to tell her them they are not alone. You have no idea what this will mean to them.

Claire Taylor A7974AX
HMP Eastwood Park
GL12 8DB


You can also email them via the email a prisoner service.
For more about their background and case see smashIPP



Sam Faulder

About Sam and her case: Sam Faulder is an anarchist prisoner currently serving a life sentence in England. Sam is a miscarriage of justice who has done over ten years in the prison system.

She has been an anti-authoritarian her whole life and was relentlessly targeted by police because of her lifestyle choices. After serving nearly two years on remand, Sam’s trial was a disaster. Police corruption impacted her trial and her solicitor firm withdrew from her case three weeks before it began. Her need to appeal coincided with cuts to legal-aid and she has been trapped in the prison system ever since. She is now working with Cardiff University’s Innocence Project on her appeal. Learn more about her case and appeal here:

About Sam’s health: After ten years experiencing every abuse imaginable, Sam was sadly diagnosed with cancer in 2016.  She has still not had treatment. She has experienced intense medical neglect while being imprisoned in a for-profit prison, HMP Peterborough, run by Sodexo. Read the full story of her cancer situation here:

Support Sam needs:

  • Please send letters and cards with solidarity messages to: Samantha Faulder A1209CF
    HMP Foston Hall
    Foston Derby
    DE65 5DN
  • Please donate to her support fund:
  • Organise actions and dedicate them to Sam, this will mean the world to her!
  • Pay attention to the website for action alerts about her treatment
  • Share her story online

For more info please email

Samantha Faulder A1209CF
HMP Foston Hall
Foston Derby
DE65 5DN
Great Britain


John Paul Wootton

June11: Statement von John Paul Wootton

Meine Geschichte ist wohl alles andere als gewöhnlich. Sie beginnt als Teenager, noch keine 18 Jahre alt und wütend über die sozioökonomischen Bedingungen in meiner Community.

Da ich in irisch-republikanischen Arbeiter*innenvierteln aufwuchs, war es unvermeidlich, dass ich dieser Ideologie und Propaganda intensiv ausgesetzt war. Es hieß, dass alle Missstände in der irischen Gesellschaft auf die Einmischung des britischen Staates zurückgeführt werden könnten und nur ein unabhängiger sozialistischer Staat eine Lösung bieten könne. Der Geschichte, der Romantik und der bereits starken Präsenz in der Community konnte ich nur schwer widerstehen. Ich hatte meine Antwort gefunden.

Da ich jung und unerfahren war, war meine Beteiligung und Einbindung eher nebensächlich. Es lief auf nicht viel mehr als auf die Teilnahme an Straßenprotesten und das Verteilen von Propaganda hinaus. Wie unbedeutend meine Rolle auch sein mochte, der Staat betrachtete mich mit Argwohn. Ich hatte es gewagt, seinen Status quo herauszufordern; ich war nun ein legitimes Ziel.

Am 9. März 2008 überfiel die Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA) einen Konvoi des Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) und tötete Constable Steven Carroll. Daraufhin schlug der Staat zu: Razzien und eine Reihe von Verhaftungen. Ich wurde 14 Tage lang festgehalten und verhört, bevor ich ins Gefängnis verfrachtet wurde. Ich wurde schließlich in einem Schauprozess ohne Geschworene für die Beteiligung an dem Angriff verurteilt und erhielt eine lebenslange Haftstrafe mit einem Mindeststrafmaß von 18 Jahren im Gefängnis. Ich war damals 17 Jahre alt und hatte keinerlei Beteiligung an den Ereignissen jener Nacht. Der Staat brauchte einen Sieg gegen bewaffnete Republikaner*innen und da passte ich als Sündenbock gut ins Bild.

Während meiner Zeit im Gefängnis war mein Platz natürlich unter anderen inhaftierten republikanischen Aktivisten. Im Laufe der Jahre kämpften wir gemeinsam im Gefängnis, ertrugen harte Bedingungen und Brutalität, um uns als politische Gefangene zu behaupten und unsere Lebensqualität zu verbessern. Wir hatten einige Erfolge, aber es wurden bestimmte taktische Entscheidungen getroffen, die, neben internen Schwierigkeiten, meiner Meinung nach den Fortschritt untergraben haben.

Im Laufe der Jahre des Kampfes reifte meine politische Einstellung und mein Verständnis von Begriffen wie Freiheit und Herrschaft vertiefte sich. Ich begann zu erkennen, dass der Republikanismus eine sehr enge Sicht auf die Welt und eine fest verwurzelte autoritäre Kultur innehatte. Ich wurde davon überzeugt, dass jeder unabhängige irische Staat, ob sozialistisch oder nicht, genauso schädlich wäre wie der britische Staat.

Also, nach etwa 7 Jahren Leben als republikanischer Gefangener, begann ich, mich mit dem republikanischen Etikett unwohl zu fühlen. Ich vertiefte mich in mehr libertäre Ideen und schlussendlich in den Anarchismus.

Um meinen neuen Werten gerecht zu werden, verließ ich den Komfort der republikanischen Community und trat in die „normale“ Gefangenenpopulation ein. Dies war eine schwierige Entscheidung, da ich nicht nur eine Ideologie und Kultur zurückließ, mit der ich nun grundsätzlich nicht mehr einverstanden war, sondern auch gute Freund*innen und Genoss*innen.

Jetzt bin ich seit einigen Jahren in der allgemeinen Gefängnispopulation und bin stolz darauf, anderen, die in unserer Gesellschaft unterdrückt werden, die Ideen des Anarchismus näherzubringen und Gemeinschaft, Solidarität und gegenseitige Hilfe zu propagieren/vermitteln/fördern.

Ich versuche weiterhin alles, um positive Veränderungen zu fördern. Ich fordere meine andauernde Inhaftierung heraus und wehre mich gegen den Staat und verschiedene Formen der Herrschaft. Mit der Unterstützung meiner Familie, der Solidarität anderer Aktivist*innen und der gegenseitigen Hilfe meiner Mitgefangenen bin ich in der Lage, voranzuschreiten und mich den repressiven Maßnahmen des Staates entgegenzustellen. Ich werde nicht zulassen, dass sie mich brechen und werde weiterhin auf meine Weise kämpfen.

[Anmerkung: obwohl in dieser Erklärung nicht erwähnt, ist kürzlich ans Licht gekommen, dass ein verdeckter Staatsagent an der Infiltrierung und Unterminierung der Craigavon 2 Justice Campaign beteiligt war. Siehe JFTC2.IE oder JFTC2 auf Facebook um mehr über die Gerechtigkeitskampagne zu erfahren].


John Paul Wootton
Davis E3
Maghaberry Prison
BT28 2PT
Northern Ireland // UK


Kevan Thakrar

Kevan Thakrar was wrongly convicted of murder and attempted murder in 2008 using multiple hearsay evidence under ‚joint enterprise‘, the legal rule which means that any member of a group can be convicted of a crime, regardless of whether they played any role in it. Kevan wasn’t present when the murder took place, but he was sentenced to life with a minimum of 35 years in jail. He was aged just 20.
Kevan has been consistently subjected to vengeful abuse and violence from prison guards for speaking out about his and other prisoners treatment. In March 2010 Kevan was charged with assaulting three prison officers in HMP Frankland, but was subsequently found not guilty of the assault in a landmark legal acquittal, where the finger of blame was instead pointed directly back at the Prison Service, whose regime of racism and violence was clearly exposed throughout the four-week trial.
Despite being found not guilty Kevan has been held ever since in solitary confinement in the notorious Close Supervision Centres, the UK equivalent to the F.I.E.S. regime in Spain, and the Supermax in the US. The ‘Prisons within the Prisons’ exist to facilitate the suppression, mental breakdown and murder of those who rebel within the prison system, those who ask too many questions, complain too many times, lash out in frustration, or are irreducible. Despite all this, Kevan continues to speak out about the injustices suffered there by himself and other prisoners around him.

Kevan Thakrar A4907AE
HMP Full Sutton

YO41 1PS


Kill The Bill Proteste / Bristol


Ryan Roberts

Ryan Roberts wurde am 17. Dezember 2021 vor dem Bristol Crown Court zu einer Gesamtstrafe von 14 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt. Er wurde wegen Aufruhrs und vierfacher Brandstiftung verurteilt. Drei der Strafen werden nacheinander verhängt und nur eine gleichzeitig, daher die harte Strafe von 14 Jahren. Da die Strafe mehr als sieben Jahre beträgt, muss er zwei Drittel der Strafe absitzen. Er wird also knapp ein Jahrzehnt im Gefängnis verbringen.

Mehr Infos!

Er würde sich sehr über Briefe freuen. Bitte schreibt an ihn unter:

Ryan Roberts
HMP Horfield
19 Cambridge Road
bs7 8ps
Prison number A5155EM


Weitere Verurteilte(Stand 22.12.2021):

Ben Rankin A1261AY
HMP Bristol, Horfield, 19 Cambridge Road, Bristol. BS7 8PS
5 years

Ryan Dwyer A4276AT
HMP Portland, 104 the Grove, Easton, Portland, Dorset, DT5 1DL
4 years 6 months

Brandon Lloyd A0806EE
HMP Portland, 104 the Grove, Easton, Portland, Dorset, DT5 1DL
3 years 11 months

Callum Middleton (Awaiting prison number)
HMP Bristol, Horfield, 19 Cambridge Road, Bristol. BS7 8PS
3 years 9 months

Kane Adamson A1103ER
HMP Portland, 104 the Grove, Easton, Portland, Dorset, DT5 1DL.
3 years 6 months.

Shaun Davies A4075ER
HMP Portland, 104 the Grove, Easton, Portland, Dorset, DT5 1DL
3 years 6 months

Kain Simmonds A9381EQ
HMP Portland, 104 the Grove, Easton, Portland, Dorset, DT5 1DL
3 years 3 months

William Houlton A1824ET
HMP Bristol, Horfield, 19 Cambridge Road, Bristol. BS7 8PS
3 years



zum Anfang


Operation Scripta Manet

In the early hours of September 6, an operation coordinated by the Digos [political police] of Turin led the searches of 30 homes invarious Italian regions (Piedmont, Liguria, Lazio, Umbria, Lombardy,Abruzzo, Campania, Sardinia and Emilia Romagna) and the arrest of five anarchist comrades accused of subversive association with terrorist intent: Anna, Marco, Sandrone, Danilo and Valentina; in addition, a notification in prison for Nicola and Alfredo. The operation, called “Scripta Manent” [from Latin proverb “verba volant, scripta manent” — spoken words fly away, written words remain], tries to attribute to a single direction a series of direct actions claimed by the Informal Anarchist Organization, reproducing in this way the same repressive strategies of some previous operations, such as Servantes and Boldness (“Ardire”), and trying to impose an associative and vertical structure on the expressions of anarchism. In particular, the attacks inserted in this investigation include the parcel-bombs sent to the CPT’s [detention centres for immigrants] director in Modena in May 2005, to the traffic-cops barracks in Torino-San Salvario and to the chief-police of Lecce (claimed by FAI/Narodnaja Volja), the explosive device against the RIS barracks [carabinieri forensics] in Parma (October 24, 2005, claimed by FAI/Cooperativa Artigiana Fuoco e Affini-occasionalmente spettacolare), the parcel-bomb sent to the Mayor of Bologna Sergio Cofferati (November 2, 2005, claimed by FAI/Cooperativa Artigiana Fuoco e Affini-occasionalmente spettacolare), the devices against the carabinieri cadets’ barracks in Fossano (June 2, 2006, claimed by FAI/RAT-Rivolta Anonima e Tremenda), the devices placed in the Turin neighbourhood, Crocetta (March 7, 2007, claimed by FAI/RAT); among the other actions also the wounding of Adinolfi (May 7, 2012), despite the fact that two comrades (Nikola and Alfredo) have already been convicted and have publicly claimed this attack, to corroborate the crime of association. It seems that the investigators, felt the need to structure their clues, used even linguistic and graphology experts, in addition to electronic and computer surveillance, and tailing.

On Friday morning, June 2nd, the DIGOS [political police] notified the closing of investigations for crimes 270bis (subversive association) and 414 (criminal solicitation) to 7 anarchist, 4 of them are editors of Croce Nera Anarchica and other 2 of RadioAzione and websites, with “aggravating” for terrorist purposes. For 2 of them is added the article 280 (attack with terrorist purpose), regarding an explosive attack signed by FAI/FRI against the courthouse of Civitavecchia.

The notification was not combined with a search and those involved were not arrested. It seems, from the documents, that these wave of charges, made by the same prosecutor Roberto Maria Sparagna, are an extension of operation Scripta Manent, for which will be held the preliminary hearing at Monday, June 5th.

For more information

Anna Beniamino
C. C. di Messina “Gazzi”
via Consolare Valeria 2
98124 Messina



Alfredo Cospito

Alfredo Cospito (ten years and 8 months) and Nicola Gai (9 years and 4 months), from Turin, Italy, imprisoned for their shooting of Ansaldo Nuclear chief Roberto Adinolfi

Alfredo and Nicola Gai were arrested on September 14th, 2012 and accused of shooting Ansaldo Nucleare manager and Finmeccanica affiliate, Roberto Adinolfi, in the knees – an action carried out by Olga nucleus FAI/FRI in May 2012.  In May of 2015 their sentences were reduced, Alfredo’s to 9 years and 5 months in prison, Nicola’s to 8 years and 8 months. –

sentencing statements:

“We’ll get out of here branded as terrorists, the amusing thing is that you can say that without seeming ridiculous: it is what the law states. One thing sure is that words have lost all their meaning; if we are terrorists, what would you call those who produce weapons, tracking systems for missiles, drones, fighter-bombers, equipment to hunt people trying to cross borders, nuclear power stations, those who do deals with assassins in uniform and famous dictators, in other words, how would you define Finmeccanica?” (Nicola Gai)

“We saw Adinolfi smiling slyly and playing the victim from television screens. We saw him lecturing against ‘terrorism’ in schools. But I wonder: what is terrorism? A gunshot, a searing pain, an open wound or the incessant, continuous threat of a slow death devouring you from inside?
The continuous incessant terror that one of their nuclear plants can vomit death and desolation upon us all of a sudden? Ansaldo Nucleare and Finmeccanica bear huge responsibilities. Their projects continue to sow death everywhere. Recently the rumour has spread of probable investments in the enlargement of the nuclear plant of Kryko, Slovenia, a high seismic risk area very close to Italy. In Cernadova, Romania, several incidents have occurred since 2000, caused by Ansaldo’s stupidity during the construction of one of their plants. How many lives have been lost? How much blood shed? Technocrats of Anslado and Finmeccanica, all facile smiles and a ‘clean’ conscience: your ‘progress’ stinks of death, and the death you sow all over the world is shouting for revenge.” (
Alfredo Cospito)

For more information:


Alfredo Cospito                               Project Release Date:  01. Februar 2022
Casa Circondariale Ferrara
Via Arginone 327
ΙΤ-44122 FE



Operazione Panico/Operation Panic

Florence, April 21, 2016: someone attacked the carabinieri barracks in Rovezzano, the Florentine suburbs, with a molotov.

Florence, January 1, 2017 an explosive device placed outside the bookshop “Il Bargello” run by neo-fascists group Casa Pound explodes in the hands of a policeman who is severely injured.

Immediately several houses of anarchist comrades were searched in the city. The police were hoping to find firearms and/or explosives. An investigation against persons unknown was launched with intention tocharge someone with the offencesof “manufacturing, possession, and transportation of an explosive or incendiary device to a public place”and “attempted murder”.At the same time the police began a separate operation called “Operazione Panico” at the end of January. Several anarchist houses were searched and some comrades arrested. 35 people were directly targeted, suspected for a series of contested events which happened in the city in 2016. They were charged with the offence of “membership of a criminal organisation”. These events include an attack with clubs and bricks on the fascist bookshop, an explosion at the same bookshop and distribution of anti-militarist leaflets at a local market. The operation also lead to the eviction of Villa Panico, one of Florence’s historic squats which had been occupied for the past 10 years. On the 3rd of August, a joint nation-wide operation between the DIGOS (the police special operations unit), the ROS (the Carabinieri’s special operations unit) and the counter-terrorism police ended up in 8 further arrests: 6 in Florence, 1 in Rome and 1 in Lecce. Five comrades were charged with attempted homicide for the New-eve bombing, the others with the offence of “manufacturing, possession, and transportation of an explosive or incendiary device to a public place”.

The second charge relates to a molotov attack against a Carabinieri barracks. In July 2019 28 anarchist comrades were convicted and sentenced at the conclusion of the Operation Panic trial.

Ghespe – 9 years – im Hausarrest

Paska – 9 years and 10 months – im Hausarrest

For all the others the sentences range from one month to six years.




Maddalena Calore

Anarchist comrade Maddalena ‘Madda’ Calore is back in prison following her arrest under a warrant from a previous case (she was released from prison in March 2013 following a previous period in prison). During the search of her home the police allegedly found ‘compromising’ evidence, namely a a toy air gun and 5 firecrackers, items that the italian press reported as “a pistol” and “5 sticks of dynamite capable of blowing up a car”.

Maddalena Calore
C.C. Uta
C. C. “Ettore Scalas” — Uta
zona industriale Macchiareddu
2° strada ovest Uta (SP1)
09010 Uta (Ca)



Giovanni Barcia

In the Case oft he Cordoba 4 the Malaga court of appeal sentenced the anarchists Giovani Barcia, Michele Pontolillo and Claudio Lavazza, already sentenced to 11 years on September 1999, for an incident in the Italian vice-consulate in December 1996. Three persons wearing balaclavas imprisoned the consul and an employee, sending a message of solidarity to the Italian prisoners jailed by the Judge Marini (the judge who built a false accusation against Italian anarchists) and disappeared with passports and some money. These three Italians were convicted of this, as well as a previous bank robbery with sentences of 49 years for Claudio, 48 years for Giorgio and Giovanni, 3 years for Michele.

Giovanni Barcia
via Arginone, 327
44122 Ferrara



Mauro Rossetti Busa

The investigation of the events for which he is in jail now (fire to a ENI petrol station, throwing of molotov against Casapound, escape from house arrest) seems to be ongoing. His letters are no longer being stamped as censored. In the meantime the court in Lucca has sentenced him to 6 years for theft within an investigation on organized crime, and these have been added to a 2-year sentence for breaking the bail conditions he was previously under.

 „(…) Ich bin ein libertärer Kommunist, der sich aber seit Jahren zu den Ideen des revolutionären Anarchismus bekennt. In den Jahren 1996 und 2001 wurde ich zwei Mal wegen terroristischer Vereinigung (Art. 270 bis) beschuldigt. Die Anklage war, einen aufständischen Anarchismus (Anarchia Insurrezionalista) praktiziert zu haben und zusammen mit anderen nicht identifizierten Leuten eine Briefbombe gebaut und an den Ex-Präfekt von Florenz Achille Serra geschickt zu haben. Dazu gab es einen erschwerenden Umstand von Vereinigung zu terroristischen Zwecken und Umsturz der demokratischen Ordnung. Die zwei Verfahren sind momentan eingestellt worden. Inzwischen werde ich schon wieder seit 2009 von der Staatsanwaltschaft Neapels wegen (Art. 280 bis) beschuldigt, ein mutmaßliches Attentat mit Dynamit gegen die Abgeordnetenkammer von Montecitorio (Roma) organisiert und geplant zu haben. Wegen dieser neuen Straftat werde ich in einem Sondersystem klassifiziert (Art. 52). Heute befinde ich mich in einem Hochsicherheitsgefängnis in Carinola (CE) in dem ich ein Urteil von 11 Jahren wegen verschieder Straftaten, unter anderem wegen erneuter Mitgliedschaft in einer Vereinigung zu terroristischen Zwecken, abbüße. Mehrmals habe ich mich als aufständischer anarchistischer (insurrezionalista anarchico) Militant erklärt (…)

Ein anarchistischer aufständischer Gruß

Mauro Rossetti Busa, Gefängnis von Carinola, 20-01-2012“

 Der Text wurde aus dem Italienischen übersetzt. Wenn ihr Mauro schreiben wollt, schreibt möglichst auf Italienisch.

Mauro Rossetti Busa
C. C. di Agrigento
piazza Di Lorenzo 1
92100 Agrigento


Genoa 10

On July 13th 2012, the Supreme Court of Cassation, the major court of last resort, upheld the conviction of ten Italian protesters, all sentenced to imprisonment for ‘devastation and looting’ during the 2001 G8 protests in Genoa. In particular, they were convicted of breaking shop windows, making barricades, and the alleged looting of a supermarket. The relevant Italian law, contained in the Rocco code, dates back to 1930: part of the penal code of Mussolini’s fascist regime, it has never been reformed since. It was originally created to respond to real situations of devastation and looting during a War regime, and is now being reinterpreted to target demonstrations of social dissent. One of its features is that people can be convicted just for “psychic co-participation”, without the state having to prove any explicit association between the defendants. So, for example, you could be imprisoned for up to 6 years just for standing next to somebody breaking a shop window; or up to 10 years if you help them break it.


Francesco Puglisi (Genoa 10)

Sentenced to 14 years of jail in 2012 for „devastation and looting“ as well as related accessory crimes, for the clashes during the G8 summit in Genoa in 2001. He went on the run, but was arrested again in June 2013 in Barcelona and then extradited by the Spanish State to Italy.

Francesco Puglisi
Casa Circondariale Roma Rebibbia – Nuovo Complesso
Via Raffaele Majetti 70
00156 Roma


Marina Cugnaschi (Genoa 10)

Seconda Casa di Reclusione di Milano – Bollate
Via Cristina Belgioioso, 120
20157 – Milano // Italy



Davide Delogu

An anarchist from Sardegna, convicted for 18 years for robbery and attempted murder. In 2011 made an unsuccessful attempt to run away from prison and has another case started because of it. On May 1, 2017 made another attempt to escape from prison, but is failed again. He was put in isolation for half a year, and the anarchist went on hunger strike. From a letter of 9th March 2018 we learn that anarchist comrade Davide Delogu is no longer in solitary confinement. He’s in a unit with other prisoners and in a cell alone. His mail is still under censorship. Books and other material are not being delivered. He sends greetings full of struggle to all.

Loose Cannon (… Maybe…)

We are anarchists in prison, some for years, some less, and we daily fight the war against domination, face-to-face with the enemy, inside their cages. We share the refusal and the disdain, clashing with the prison authority and its bareaucratic [play on words with bars and bureaucratic] discipline every day.

Therefore, we are cannons that are not loose (for now…), whose explosions, as the recent and the past acts teach, create disruption, material damage and the shattering of prison logic (that, as anarchist, has already been destroyed!). Sending certainly a vital stimulus of action inside a complex desolate swamp, to live your own anarchy, right here, right now, immediately!

Continuing to live like a cannon that is not loose (… maybe…), I open with the acts a campaign (for those who want to accept it, otherwise I will do it alone, like I always did) of self-liberation, that will spring from ourselves, from our fears, dogmatism, indignation, babbling, compromises, resignation, bars, from apathy and de-solidarization, which are — outside these walls — too tangible and too harmful to be “indifferent”. I do not think it is necessary to explain a worthy action carried out to take back the life into your own hands.

Finally, I would like to send to all comrades arrested in Op. “Scripta Manent” a big hug of struggle and solidarity from a non loose cannon, because I have written all of them several times, and I received the reply from just two comrades. [Davide is referring to the censorship on correspondence between him and the anarchist comrades in high security sections]

A hug of war to all anarchist prisoners. For anarchy now!

Davide Delogu, April 25th 2017, Prison of Augusta


Davide Delogu
C. C. Nuovo Complesso
Contrada Cocari
89900 Vibo Valentia



Juan Antonio Sorroche Fernandez

Der Anarchist Juan tauchte 2017 unter, nachdem ein Haftbefehl gegen ihn ausgestellt wurde. Er wurde wegen falschen Identitätsangaben anlässlich einer Kontrolle in Val Clarea (Val di Susa) zu einem Jahr Haft verurteilt. Da er noch weitere Prozesse offen hat (Gefangenenbefreiung 2007, der NO TAV Prozess für die Ausschreitungen vom 3. Juli 2011) und von einigen zusätzlichen Jahren Haft ausging, entschied er sich, unterzutauchen und veröffentlichte ein Communiqué aus der Freiheit.

Der Gefährte Juan wurde am 22. Mai in Brescia, zusammen mit Manu, der der Beihilfe beschuldigt wird, verhaftet. Juan wird zusätzlich wegen Vereinigung mit dem Ziel des Terrorismus und/oder der Umsturz der demokratischen Ordnung (§270bis des Strafgesetzes), einem terroristischen Akt mit tödlichen und explosiven Vorrichtungen (§280bis), Massaker (§285) für den Angriff gegen das Parteibüro von „Lega Nord“ in Treviso im August von 2018, sowie dem Besitz gefälschter Dokumente (§497bis) und dem Tragen von Waffen (aufgrund eines kleinen Messers, §4 des Gesetztes 110/75) beschuldigt.

Juan Antonio Sorroche Fernandez
Casa Circondariale di Terni
Strada delle Campore, 32
05100 – Terni (Italie)




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Mitglieder der Gefangenen-Gewerkschaft/ Bundesweite Organisation R.A.U.S. Österreich

Oliver Riepan
JVA Stein
Steiner Landstr. 2-4
3500 Krems





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Network – Russian Torture Cases

There has been heavy repression of anarchists and antifascists by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). In October 2017, FSB officers arrested six antifascists who played airsoft in the woods. The FSB planted weapons and explosives in some of their vehicles, and tortured them in pre-trial detention–beating them, hanging them upside down, electrocuting them, and threatening them with even worse. This torture was used to force the arrestees to validate forged testimony professing that they are part of an alleged terrorist “network.” At the end of January 2018, two more antifascists were arrested in St. Petersburg. They were also beaten, tortured by means of electrical shock, and forced to agree that they too were members of this invented “network.”

As of now, seven anti-fascists are behind bars and another is under house arrest. All are facing up to a decade in prison. We encourage you to read more about the case in the links below. We have included addresses for those who have them listed.

More information:


Ivankin Maxim Sergeevich
440039 Russia
Penzenskaya obl.
Penza, ulitsa Karakozova 30


Andrey Chernov
Chernov Andrei Sergeevich, 1989
440039 Russia
Penzenskaya obl.
Penza, ulitsa Karakozova 30


Kulkov Mikhail Alexeevic
440039 Russia
Penzenskaya obl.
Penza, ulitsa Karakozova 30


Shakurskiy Ilya Aleksandrovich
440039 Russia
Penzenskaya obl.
Penza, ulitsa Karakozova 30


Pchelintsev Dmitry Dmitrievich, 1992
440042 Russia
Penza, ul. Mologvardeyskaya 9


Vasiliy Alekseevich Kuksov
440039 Russia
Penzenskaya obl.
Penza, ulitsa Karakozova 30


Filinkov Victor Sergeevich
191123 St. Petersburg
ul. Shpalernaya
d. 25


Boyarshinov Yuliy Nikolayevich
191123 St. Petersburg
ul. Shpalernaya
d. 25


Igor Shishkin – signed a cooperation plea, so we are not listing his address.

Arman Sagynbaev – after several accounts of abuse and violence got public we decided not to support or list Arman anymore on this list. For more Information click here!


Please note: Moscow ABC advises that letters in English are seldom accepted in Russian prisons, so please write only in Russian (try using a translation program), or just send photos and postcards.



Azat Miftakhov

Am 1. Februar 2019 verhafteten Offiziere des FSB, des aus dem KGB hervorgegangenen russischen Staatssicherheitsapparats, ein Dutzend Menschen in der jüngsten Welle ihrer Repressionskampagne gegen beschuldigte Anarchist*innen im ganzen Land.
Nachdem sie in den folgenden 24 Stunden brutal gefoltert wurden, um sie zu zwingen, belastenden Aussagen zuzustimmen, ließen sie 11 von ihnen frei. Der zwölfte Verhaftete, Azat Miftakhov, verschwand vorübergehend innerhalb des Rechtssystems, während das FSB ihn weiter folterte und seinem*r Anwalt*in den Zugang zu ihm verweigerte.
Er befindet sich weiterhin in Untersuchungshaft, da ihm wird vorgeworfen wird, in seinem Studentenwohnheim Sprengstoff hergestellt zu haben. Azat Miftakhov ist Doktorand der Fakultät für Mechanik und Mathematik der Moskauer Staatlichen Universität. Student*innen und Professor*innen veröffentlichten gemeinsam ein offenes Unterstützungsschreiben, in dem sie die Einstellung Azats Verfolgung fordern.

125130 Moscow
Vyborgskaya st., 20
Azat Fanisovich Miftakhov, 1993



Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kolchenko

Only letters in Russian are accepted, so you can send postcards or use google translate in case you do not speak Russian.

Aleksandr/Oleksandr Kolchenko was detained in Crimea on May 17, 2014, on suspicion of participation in a „terrorist group,“ which planned explosions near the eternal fire memorial and the Lenin monument in Simferopol on May 8th and 9th, and of having sabotaged railway tracks and electricity lines. Kolchenko is also suspected of having carried out two arson attacks: against the headquarters of the Russian Unity-party and Russian Community of Crimea on April 14th, and the office of the United Russia party in Simferopol on April 18th. The case is run by the FSB, the former KGB.

Aleksandr is an anarchist and antifascist who has participated in student and environmental actions. He has been part of campaigns against tuition fees and supported workers‘ rights protests. He was under constant Nazi attack for his antifascist ideas. One incident took place after a film screening about murdered anti-fascist journalist Anastasiya Baburova, where he was attacked by thirty Nazis using knives. In this context, claims by the Russian authorities that Aleksandr is part of the nationalist „Right Sector“ are ridiculous, and he is denying these claims.

Aleksandr is claimed to be part of a bigger group protesting against the Russian invasion of Crimea by organising direct actions. A famous film director, Oleg/Oleh Sentsov, as well as two Maydan activists, Gennadiy/Hennadiy Afanasyev and Alexei Chirniy, have also been detained under the same suspicion. All of them are claimed to be part of the Right Sector (a Ukrainian ultra-right organisation). This is a lie as apart from Chirniy none of the accused have any connection to the Right sector, and Aleksandr Kolchenko has never shared nationalist ideas. The whole case is considered to be part of the Russian campaign to take over Crimea, which includes repressions against anyone who doesn’t comply with the new authority.

Aleksandr and Oleg were sentenced by the North Caucasus Military District Court in Russia to 20 and 10 years imprisonment respectively. They were charged with preparing to blow up the Lenin monument in Simferopol (Crimea), and setting fire to offices belonging to the Russian Community of Crimea and the United Russia Party in occupied Crimea. The Russian human rights movement has recognized both men as political prisoners. Aleksandr is serving time in Kopeysk penal colony as a “person inclined to spread extremist ideology.” Hennadiy was sentenced to seven years but released on June 14, 2016 after it was exposed that his testimony against himself and Aleksandr and Oleg was forced and fabricated through torture.

Aleksandr’s statement:

Aleksandr Kolchenko: I am not a terrorist. I am a citizen of Ukraine [Nov 2014]

Geburtstag: 26 Nov 1989
Project Release Date: 17 Mai 2024

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kolchenko
Kemerovskaya, 20, IK-6
Chelyabinskaya oblast



Evgeny Karakashev

Evgeny lives in Yevpatoria, Crimea. He is a leftist activist with anarchist beliefs. On February 1, 2018, Karakashev was detained, and on February 2, 2018, arrested on suspicion of committing crimes under Part 1 of Art. 282 (the incitement of hatred and enmity) and Part 2 of Art. 205.2 (public calls for terrorism) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. He is in custody from February 2nd 2018.

It appears from the order on institution of criminal proceedings, according to the investigation, Karakashev published a video on one of his pages in social network «VKontakte» at the end of 2014, which allegedly calls for terrorism. In addition, according to the order, in January 2017, he posted from another account in a chat room for 35 people a text that contains signs of „propaganda of the ideology of violence“ and „calls for terrorist activities“. It is not specified exactly what Karakashev published, however, the document says that the experts investigated «teletext, starting with the words „use grenade against“ and ending with the words „in the windows of authorities, good luck“».

It is obvious that the reason for initiating the criminal case was the video „Video Appeal of the Primorsky Partisans“ published in the social network „VKontakte“, in which partisans explain the motives of their actions. This video is recognized in Russia as an extremist one, as it „incites hatred towards a particular social group“ [police].

According to lawyer Alexei Ladin, Evgeny himself believes that the initiation of a criminal case against him and the subsequent arrest are related to his activism: he opposed the construction in a resort zone near Yevpatoriya close to a salt lake. Evgeny is an anarchist and antifascist. Karakashev always took an active civil position, f. ex. took part in a protest near the FSB building in the city of Simferopol, and in November 2016, planned to hold an action „against police brutality in the Crimea“ near the building of the Ministry of the Interior of Evpatoria. Last action was banned by the local authorities. After this incident, Evgeny was called by the staff of the so-called law enforcement agencies and invited to a conversation to give explanations, Evgeny refused to give any testimonies.

It is highly probable that the criminal case against Evgeny Karakashev was initiated in the context of his oppositional public and political activities as a participant of protest actions in the Crimea. In the context of the persecution of left-wing activists and antifascists since January 2018, the case of Karakashev seems highly politically motivated.

Birthday: 21. August 1978

Note that in remand prison, only letters in Russian are accepted.

Karakashev Evgeny Vitalevich, 21.08.1978
ul. Maxima Gorkogo, 219




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Claudio Lavazza

Claudio Lavazza wurde 1996 in Corboda (Spanien) während eines Banküberfalls, bei dem zwei Cops erschossen wurden, verhaftet. Claudio hat sein ganzes Leben dem anarchistischen Kampf im Untergrund gewidmet – bewaffnete Anschläge, Enteignungen, Befreiung von Gefährt*Innen und Verbreitung anarchistischer Propaganda in Italien und anderswo. Er wurde zu einer Gesamtstrafe von 118 Jahren Knast verurteilt.

Claudio Lavazza has spent his entire life in the underground anarchist struggle, taking part in armed attacks, expropriations, liberations of other combatants and in diffusing anarchist propaganda in many ways in Italy and elsewhere.

He was arrested in 1996, in a bank robbery in Cordoba (Spain), during which two cops were shot dead.

The comrade has a whole of 118 years prison sentence· 11 years for an armed occupation of the Italian consultant’s office in Malaga, in order to send a message of solidarity to the anarchists prosecuted for the “Marini” case in Italy, 77 years from Italian courts and 30 years from a court in France.

He is confined in F.I.E.S. status in Spain.

The comrade’s writings:

Short interview by Contra Info with anarchist prisoner Claudio Lavazza

Document of anarchist prisoner Claudio Lavazza on some initiatives of resistance in Spanish prisons

In the case of the Cordoba 4, the Malaga court of appeal sentenced the anarchists Giovani Barcia, Michele Pontolillo and Claudio Lavazza, already sentenced to 11 years on September 1999, for an incident in the Italian vice-consulate in December 1996. Three persons wearing balaclavas imprisoned the consul and an employee, sending a message of solidarity to the Italian prisoners jailed by the Judge Marini (the judge who built a false accusation against Italian anarchists) and disappeared with passports and some money. These three Italians were convicted of this, as well as a previous bank robbery with sentences of 49 years for Claudio, 48 years for Giorgio and Giovanni, 3 years for Michele.

Claudio spricht italienisch, spanicsh, französisch.

Claudio Lavazza (spricht italienisch, spanisch, französisch)
N. d’ecrou 11818,
CD 1 cellule 51
CP de Mont-de-Marsan
Chemin de Pémégnan
BP 90629
40000 Mont-de-Marsan
Francia — France




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Osman Evcan

Osman, born in 1959 in Samsun, is an anarchist prisoner who spent the last 23 years in prison. İn 1992, he was sentenced to 30 years in prison with the charges of being a member of a leftist terrorist group and robbery. He was also imprisoned for 9 years between 1980-1989. Since Osman adopted anarchist ideas in 2003, he also became vegan and supports animal liberation struggles.

Osman Evcan was imprisoned in many different prisons all over the country during his conviction. He built his life fighting against authoritarian violence and especially the violence and oppression which is a systemic part oft he prisons’s hierarchical structure, and he still continues his fight against prison’s oppresive mentality, without giving an inch, aspiring tot he right standards for anarchist, vegan, libertarian individuals.

Osman’s first barnburner act was his hunger strike in 2011 for vegan food to be available in prison which lasted 42 days. During his hunger strike the anarchists, animal liberationists from all over the World and in Turkey supported Osman’s fight to access vegan food in prison. After 42 days of hunger strike the government gave in and made regulations for the vegan and vegetarian prisoners: “Vegan or vegetarian prisoners demands will be accepted as long as its limited by subsistence allowance.” After this victory of all anarchists, animal liberationists and political prisoners, Osman continued to be in the anarchist struggle during his time in prison. He has supported the LGBT, Animal Liberation, women’s rights, anti-imperialist struggles outside prison and he made hunger strikes to protest the animal massacre during each ‘feast of sacrifice’ every year for 3 days. He wrote articles to support nature, ethnic and different identities against the government’s and comprador bourgeoisie’s raids and he still continues his political fight as much as he can from prison.

He self-criticized himself by saying that both capitalist and socialist system forms for being are statist and colonist formations. To quote his own words:

“Veganism is not only a capitalism contrast it also includes socialism contrast. Veganism is civilization contrast. Veganism has an all out attitude against technological destruction, violence, human species alienation to nature and to itself, ecological pillage, pollution, colonialism, global warming. Act of civilization has a common history with statist forms of organizations. The idea of a state grown up process starting from primitive-simple history ongoing modernization continuum for thousands of years and transforming to nation state is a result of civilization. We cant separate this ongoing, mutually reinforcing facts that produce each other, from each other. Veganism is a radical attitude against all…”

In Kocaeli no 1 high security prison, the pressure against him continued to increase. After his hunger strike for 33 days on June 2015 he took vegan food supplies one step further and he gained the right to get vegan food from outside the prisons. The prison administration usurped this gain due to arbitrarily reasons. Osman Evcan continued his hunger strike since 10 November 2015 and won the fight in late December 2015.

Osman Evcan
Silivri 9 No’lu Kapalı Ceza İnfaz Kurumu




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Marius Mason

Marius Mason is an anarchist, environmental, and animal rights prisoner. In March 2008, he was arrested by federal authorities for charges related to two acts of property destruction that occurred in 1999 and 2000 – damaging an office connected to GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) research, and destroying a piece of logging equipment. No one was injured in either act. He faced a life sentence before accepting a plea bargain in September 2008.

Mason was sentenced on February 5, 2009 in federal court in Lansing, Michigan. He received almost 22 years – the longest sentence of any Green Scare prisoner. An appeal for a reduction in his sentence was denied in 2010.

The Green Scare is the name given to the arrests of animal rights and environmental activists who have been charged with acts of economic sabotage. Federal authorities have sought outrageous sentences (often life in prison) and have publicly and legally labeled the activists as “terrorists” – despite the fact that no one has been killed or injured in any of the acts.

Supporting Marius Mason does not mean agreeing with his acts. It does mean opposing the fear-mongering tactics of the federal government, and the outrageous sentences they have imposed.

Marius Mason ist ein Transgender – Anarchist, Umweltschützer und Tierrechtsgefangener. Aufgrund von Sabotage und Brandstiftung, als Teil des Kampfes gegen Umweltzerstörung und alle Formen von Herrschaft, wurde Marius, während einer Phase gezielter Repression verhaftet, die als “Green Scare” (grüne Angst) bekannt wurde. Er sitzt eine 22-jährige Haftstrafe ab. Die “grüne Angst” war ein Moment verstärkter staatlicher Repression gegen die Tierbefreiungs- und Umweltschutzbewegung, Ende der 2000er Jahre. Die Schaffung besonderer anti-terroristischer Gesetze wurde dazu genutzt, um die Taten weiter zu kriminalisieren, die sonst mit der Begründung, dass die Beschuldigten politische Motive gehabt haben, zu niedrigeren Strafen geführt hätten.

Es ist wichtig, sich an unsere Freund*innen zu erinnern, die der Staat entführt hat. Die Repression versucht Leute wegzuschließen und zu trennen. Durch das Durchbrechen der Isolation und der Weiterführung des Kampfes (an dem die Gefangenen außerhalb der Mauern beteiligt waren und den viele im Gefängnis weiterführen), zerschlagen wir die Gefängnisgesellschaft, die unser Leben dominiert.

Release Date: 01 October 2027

For more information:

Support Marius Mason

Marie (Marius) Mason 04672-061
Route 37
Danbury, CT 06811

address outer envelope to Marie (Marius) Mason, inside to Marius


Dan Baker

Dan Baker is a social justice activist, anarchist and former army vet. He went AWOL instead of fighting in Iraq, and then took his training to help defend Rojava with the International Freedom Battalion and was featured on VICE. Dan was also active during the George Floyd Rebellion and took part in CHAZ. He was arrested on January 15th, 2021 after the FBI compiled social media posts related to Trump supporters‘ actions on inauguration day to build a criminal case against him.

Dan was facing up to 10 years for two counts of transmitting a communication in interstate commerce containing a threat to kidnap or injure. He was sentenced to 44 months in prison and 3 years of supervised release. His legal team is appealing the verdict.

Mail restrictions: Letters must be single-sided and no more than 5 pages per envelope. No colored envelopes or photos are allowed.

Daniel Baker #25765-509
FCI Memphis
P.O. Box 34550
United States


Sean Swain

Sean Swain is a hostage held by a lawless rogue-state calling itself “The State of Ohio.” He has been held without legal conviction or sentence since 1991 for the self-defense killing of a court official’s relative who broke into Sean’s home and threatened his life. In fall of 2012, prisoners calling themselves the Army of the 12 Monkeys (A12M) got rowdy at Mansfield Correctional, and the prison authorities assumed “that anarchist” Sean Swain must have been behind it and threw him in supermax isolation. Sean denies any involvement or affiliation with the A12M and is in the process of suing the ODRC for targetting him based exclusively on his ideology and political speech.

Sean is the only son of a retired auto worker and stay-home mom. He has renounced his high school diploma, his college degree, and his honorable discharge from the U.S. military. Before being taken hostage, Sean worked as a newspaper columnist and as a union organizer.

Sean is mounting his third run for Governor of Ohio in 2014. If elected, he promises to decommission the Ohio National Guard, empty Ohio’s prisons and turn them into squats, recognize Native American land rights as set forth by the Treaty of Greenville, arm the tribes with national guard weaponry, to include tanks and attack helicopters, refuse to sign any budget causing the government to shut down, and sign an Executive Order making it legal to assassinate him if he remains in office longer than 90 days.

Though innocent of any crime, and though he is held without legal conviction or sentence, Sean will only be liberated when the illegitimate power of the lawless rogue state holding him hostage is abolished once and for all.

The State started the war. Sean Swain intends to finish it.

For more information:

Burning Down: The Songs of Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain

 Sean would love to receive zines, articles printed from the internet, photographs (not Polaroid), drawings, etc.

Sean Swain #2015638
Buckingham Correctional

1349 Correctional Center Road
Dillwyn, VA 23936



Michael Kimble

Michael Kimble is a black, gay anarchist serving a life sentence in Alabama for the murder of a white, homophobic, racist bigot.

During his first years of imprisonment, Michael embraced communism, but soon moved away from it and toward anarchy because, as he describes it “anarchism is not about building a hierarchical structure for liberation somewhere in the distant future, but about living your life, now, in a fashion that’s liberating.”

Michael has a long history of both individual and collective struggle against prison authority, and continues to engage in the fight against prison slave labor as part of the Free Alabama Movement.

 For me communication with comrades on the outside of these prison walls has been key in keeping me on point and sane in this artificial world of all-pervasive domination. We anarchists are not immune to the blues and the sometimes-attractive pull of resignation in the face of dizzying odds.

Communication means more than receiving letters and publications. It means survival. It means resistance. It means saving lives on the margins of prison society.

Through communication and acts of solidarity I have been able to save the lives of queer and non-queer prisoners whose life was threatened because of debts, and yes, drugs for the sick, with funds sent to me by comrades on more than one occasion. Without communication none of this would have been possible.

Communication has allowed me and many others to create projects that “aim toward the destruction of this social order – that is to say an insurrectional anarchist projectuality.”

The point of this brief statement is my attempt to show how far and extensive communication extends for those of us anarchists being held in these man-made tombs.

Communication now needs to extend to the pigs of capital and authority – that no longer will their oppressive, authoritarian and brutal acts go unpunished. Let’s communicate that!

Dare to struggle!

Dare to be free!“

 For more information:

Michael Kimble
Easterling Correctional Facility
200 Wallace Drive
Clio, AL 36017-2615



Bill Dunne

Bill Dunne is an anti-authoritarian sentenced to 90 years for the attempted liberation of comrades from Seattle’s King County Jail in 1979 (The two successfully freed Artie, but were arrested after an exchange of fire with police as they were fleeing the scene) and for attempting to break himself out of Leavenworth Penitentiary in 1983. Dunne was charged with possession of an automatic weapon, auto theft, and with aiding & abetting the escape. Charges further alleged the operation was financed by bank expropriations and facilitated by illegal acquisition of weapons and explosives. Bill and his codefendant, Larry Giddings, were accused by police of being “members of a small, heavily armed group of revolutionaries,” associated with the Wellspring Communion.

Dunne has made the rounds of the federal prison system with stints at the infamous Control Unit in Marion, Illinois; Atwater; and Big Sandy where he has assisted prisoners with political & academic education. Bill also organizes solidarity runs in conjunction with the Anarchist Black Cross Federation’s “Running Down the Walls” 5K runs and has edited and written for 4 Struggle magazine.

Larry Giddings was paroled from federal prison in 2004. Bill went before the parole board in the winter of 2014, was rejected and given a 15 year ‘hit’ (meaning he cannot go back to the board for that time period).

Life in Prison

Bill spent seven and a half years in lockdown at the infamous maximum security Marion prison for his attempted prison break.  During his time in Marion he helped social prisoners pursue their education, both politically and academically. In one case he helped prisoner Ernesto Santiago receive his GED.

Bill also continues to stay active politically, helping edit and write 4Struggle Magazine, organizing the yearly Running Down the Walls 5K for political prisoners, and served on the ABCF Prisoner Committee.

  Release Date: 02 December 2047

Bill Dunne #10916-086
FCI Victorville Medium I
PO Box 3725
Adelanto, California 92301



Eric King

Eric was arrested and charged with an attempted firebombing of a government official’s office in Kansas City, MO. Eric allegedly threw a hammer through a window of the building and then threw two lit bottles inside, though both failed to ignite. He was identified as a suspect by local police because he had previously come under suspicion for anti-government and anti-police graffiti. Eric is allegedly involved with the the Kansas City Fight Back insurrectionist collective.  In his own words:

„My name is Eric. I’ve been an anarchist since about the age of 17; of course developing and maturing my views as I have grown. I am very active in the LGBQT, Earth, Animal, Antifa and other communities. I have organized Food Not Bombs, rallies against the Klan, and many others in support of human rights, anti-capitalism, animal rights, etc! I am an insurrectionist now. I believe that revolution starts in our own minds and once you are personally ready, then everyone has something they can do.

I value and support the solidarity and comradery received from the community now when I need it most. There is a warm feeling you get from knowing that you committed your life to something larger than yourself and getting warm wishes, kindness, and positive words which can really help someone out of a dark day. I am getting indicted this week and hopefully will be outside sooner or later. Books, stamp money, envelope money and letters would be greatly appreciated if your able and if not keep up the struggle. With love and support, EK (A) (///)“

Eric accepted a non-cooperating plea agreement in March of 2016 to a federal felony charge that carries a sentence of 10 years in prison. The charge is 18 U.S.C. § 844(h), use of explosive materials to commit arson of property used in or affecting interstate commerce.  On June 28, 2016 Eric was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison in the federal district court in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Eric befindet sich momentan in Isolationshaft und darf keine Postkarten erhalten. Briefe an ihn müssen auf weißem oder weiß-linierten Papier geschrieben sein. Der Briefumschlag muss weiß sein.

Eric King # 27090045
FCI Englewood

9595 West Quincy Avenue
Littleton, CO 80123

Eric would love to receive mail from any and all supporters, around the world.



Jennifer Rose

Jennifer Rose (formerly Gann) is an anti-authoritarian trans woman and insurrectionist amazon held captive for over 25 years for armed robberies and a 1995 attack on a district attorney and associate prison warden. She took part in the 1991 Folsom Prison hunger strike, after which she was beaten and tortured, convicted for armed resistance, and sentenced to multiple 25-to-life sentences under the Three Strikes Law. She has spent over ten years in solitary confinement at Folsom and the Pelican Bay Secure Housing Unit. Despite all of this, Jennifer continues to struggle for freedom, remaining a committed anti-authoritarian, anti-imperialist, anti-racist, anti-fascist, and anti-capitalist.

“I always welcome the opportunity to write about my/our struggle against police brutality and prison torture, both of which I’ve thus far been lucky enough to survive! As for “how I’m doing generally and what my wants/needs/deepest desires are”, I can say that “generally” life in prison sucks! Especially being a transsexual woman in a maximum security men’s facility!!!

What I “want” doesn’t really matter, because nobody around me could care less! However, since you asked, and this is just between us (and the prison censors), I want my freedom! I want not to be here! I want to go home to my mother and family! Alternatively, I want to be transferred to a women’s facility, where I would worry less about being raped or killed by someone!!! 🙁

What I “need” is someone to help me organize a support campaign fundraiser and/or legal fund! I need solidarity and support from comrades! I need love and sisterhood! I need help in my various struggles! I need an activist attorney, rather than court appointed dump truck attorneys who fail to answer my legal questions and fail to assist me in raising objections or filing motions in my own case!
My “deepest desires” , besides the aforementioned fight for freedom, is to find a woman who I can love and cherish! A fierce and fabulous female! A goddess I can worship forever! From the bottom to the top! And a top to my bottom! I desire to find an anarcho-feminist Amazon, a warrior woman like myself, who is committed to the revolutionary struggle! I want/need/ and desire, a lipstick lesbian lover!”…” You ask where I stand politically, and I would have to say that I am a revolutionary anarchist/feminist/queer and prison abolitionist! I’m a committed anti-authoritarian, anti-imperialist, anti-racist, anti-fascist, and anti-capitalist! I’m not a pacifist or peace activist or a non-violent protestor! I believe strongly in self-defense, individually and collectively by any means necessary! I believe in rebellion, resistance, and revolt against slavery and genocide!

I’m a 45 years old, Cherokee and white, queer/trans-woman. I’ve been incarcerated for over 25 years for armed robberies and the 1995 attacks on a district attorney prosecutor and associate warden of the prison. Armed resistance! I grew up with both punk rockers and skinheads in orange county California. Though I’ve since renounced all racist associations I was involved in the 1986 Huntington beach riot, but my first involvement in real political prisoner struggles was during the 1991 Folsom Prison Hunger strike. After that, I was set up, beaten and tortured by the pigs, was convicted for armed resistance, and sentenced to multiple 25 year-to-life sentences under the three strikes law!
I spent over ten years in solitary confinement at Folsom and Pelican Bay SHU, and continue to struggle for my freedom and human dignity!”…” Never Give up! Never surrender! Refuse and resist!
– with love and rage                     

Jennifer (A)“

Jennifer Rose #E-23852
Salinas Valley State Prison D3-1250
P.O. Box 1050
Soledad, CA 93960

For more information:



The Cleveland 4

The Cleveland 4 were four Occupy Cleveland activists, Brandon, Connor, Doug and “Skelly.” The four were arrested on April 30th, 2012 and accused of plotting a series of bombings, including that of an area bridge. The reality is that the FBI, working with an informant, created the scheme, produced the explosives, and coerced these four into participating. Connor, Doug, and Brandon took non cooperating plea deals and pleaded guilty to all charges. The judge applied a “terrorist enhancement” charge to each of them. Doug is serving 11.5 years, Brandon 9 years 9 months, and Connor 8 years 1 month. Skelly took his case to trial acting as his own lawyer. He was found guilty on all counts by his jury and sentenced to 10 years. The four have appealed their cases and lost.


For more information:


Joshua Stafford #57976-060
USP McCreary
P.O. BOX 3000
Pine Knot, KY 42635
[Address envelope to Joshua Stafford, letter to Skelly]


Doug Wright #57973-060
USP Victorville Medium II
P.O. BOX 3850


[Note: We are no longer listing Brandon Baxter because he has repeatedly been manipulative and abusive toward women who have offered him support, and has refused to take responsibility for his behavior. See also anarchist prisoner Eric King’s statement.]

The Cleveland 4

Doug Wright

At the young age of fourteen, Doug decided he had all the mental and physical abuse he could possibly handle from the hands of his mothers’ boyfriends, and made his way out to L.A, where he became involved in radical leftist activities and anti-war rallies. At the age of fifteen, during his time in California, Doug became addicted to heroin. Almost as dangerous as heroin, Doug picked up the habit of train hopping.  He made his way out to New York City and on one occasion accidentally found himself in Anderson, Indiana. In Anderson, Doug met people with a music company that hosted all age punk rock shows. These folks became Doug’s new family for the next five years. Doug was in Cleveland during the Occupy movement and became the target of an elaborate FBI setup operation. Many people in this country are born into lives of relative solitude and comfort. Doug’s life has been a series of tests, trials, and tribulations.

Douglas Wright is now serving eleven and a half years in federal prison, his latest test. I’m honored and proud to call him a comrade. One that has shown nothing but grit, sand, and integrity.  And I know, if you got the time, he’d surely appreciate a letter from you.

Release Date: 20 August 2022


Joshua “Skelly” Stafford

“I first met Skelly a year before Occupy started.  He was a friend of my son’s and was over helping him with his bike.  My impression of Skelly was that he was someone that his friends could always depend on.  An incident with Skelly that touched my heart happened at Occupy.  One night at the food tent, a homeless family consisting of a woman and her two small children came by.  She stated that her eyes were bad and asked if someone could help identify the correct bus to get on.  Immediately, Skelly jumped up and started playing with the children and making them laugh.  He asked the kids if they liked apples and stuffed some into their backpacks.  He filled some bowls with soup for them and then began loading up their bags with goodies.  He’s great with kids and very much a kid himself at heart.

Skelly is the kind of person who always puts others first.  The media can toss around fictional characterizations of people that they don’t know, but I can tell you that a world without these giving and loving individuals would be a very ugly world.

Release Date: 01 November 2021


Brandon Baxter

We are no longer listing Brandon because he has repeatedly been manipulative and abusive toward women who have offered him support, and he has refused to take responsibility for his behavior. See also prisoner Eric King’s statement.



Casey Brezik

Casey Brezik is an anarchist from the Kansas City area. In 2010, anarchist Casey Brezik tried to assassinate the governor of Missouri. Casey is held by the state of Missouri for 12 years on each of three counts – assault, and two armed criminal action charges – and seven years on a second count of assault. All sentences will run concurrently.

In February 2011, the state declared him to be incapable of standing trial, which means he was forced to stay locked up in a mental institution until June of 2013 when he was sentenced to 12 years in state prison and transferred to the diagnostic and reception prison in St Joseph MO. Casey is now in Jefferson City Correctional Center, which is about 9 miles from the state capitol building.

In a letter dated Sept 15 2013, Casey lamented the lack of letters but learned it was a fact of prison life. “Everyone on the outside has things going on and may not be able to take the time out to communicate with us in here.”

Casey has requested letters and books. Casey is teaching himself Japanese and can only have a few books, so he wants to keep the ones he has.

Casey closes his letter with a note on the controlled state of reading materials and its affects, saying, “there are several comrades in here that don’t have access to radical news sources.”


Birthday: December 30

Casey Brezik #1154765
609 East Pence Rd
Cameron MO 64429





