ABC Cafe am 18. September 2011

Neuigkeiten von der Repressionswelle gegen AnarchistInnen in Florenz.

Beim diesmonatigen ABC-Cafe werden Leute aus Florenz über die aktuelle Situation vor Ort berichten. Hier der Ankündigungstext auf Englisch: News and Informations about repression of the "anarchist-students movement" (so called in the newspapers) in florence, where 80 people are investigated and around 40 have different restrictions of freedom, since the article 416 in penal code is applied to them. In fact, all over Italy the strategy of repression is changing in the last years, when the charge of "terrorism" is almost disappearing (art. 270 cp, only quoted in Lecce and Terni), maybe because it was too difficult for police to show that demonstrations, squatting, riots and graffiti are terrorism, so that now the art. 416 ("associazione a delinquere", the same for "mafia") is applied more and more often. In Bologna, as you probably already know, the biggest part of the anarchist movement (connected to the place called "Fuoriluogo") has been arrested one week before the florentine police operation because of the same charge, in the context of the struggle against ENI petrol company.

In der anschließenden Diskussion soll die auch hierzulande stattfindende Ausdehnung der Organisationsparagraphen (Mafia/Kriminelle Organisation, Terrorismus) gegenüber AnarchistInnen und politisch unliebsame Menschen vergleichsweise betrachtet werden.

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