
Verschiedene Zines & Plakate zu den Themen ABC, Knast, Gefangene, Repression usw. Unsere eigene Zeitung findet ihr hier! Radiosendungen und Podcasts zum Thema hier! Eine aktuelle Liste von Gefangenen hier!

Anarchist Black Cross

Starting An Anarchist Black Cross Group: A Guide     

Summer 2018

A great zine how you could start your own abc group. European abc groups share their experiences about anti prison and abc work.
It also includes a short history of the anarchist black cross, interviews and resources.

Click on Image for Pdf, click here for print version.

Eine Anarchist Black Cross Gruppe gründen

Deutsche Übersetzung des 2018 erschienen Zines „Starting An Anarchist Black Cross Group: A Guide“


In the Struggle for Equality: The History of the Anarchist Red Cross

By Boris Yelensky – 1958

Edited with Introduction by Matthew Hart
Produced with additional information provided by Los Angeles Anarchist Black Cross

This History by Boris Yelensky, a co founder of the Chicago Anarchist Red Cross in 1917, is one of the very few resources about the the history of the Anarchist Black Cross (formerly known aus Anarchist Red Cross).

Anarchist Black Cross
Information and Resources
new edition + january 2002

This guide is intended to give potential organizers a glimpse of the tendencies, ideas and experiences that have been a part of the Anarchist Black Cross over the last 15 years, and to empower individuals to create individual ABC groups of their own.

Anarchist Black Cross Federation Guide to Political Prisoners & Prisoners of War Support

How and why to build principled support relationships with political prisoners and prisoners of war

On Repression Patterns in Europe

Belarus, Belgium, Bristol, Czech, Warsaw, Vienna

A Zine on Repression across Europe from the Perspective of different ABC Groups.


Click on Image for pdf in colour or

[pdf color booklet]

[pdf bnw]

[pdf bnw booklet]


Knast / Antiknast

Die Suche nach dem richtigen Vernichtungsbau. 

Geschichte der Knastarchitektur  

Winfried Reebs


Sklaverei im modernen Kapitalismus

Herausgeber*innen FREE THEM ALL Berlin




How to … Briefe schreiben an Menschen im Knast Broschüre des ABC Dresden     

Fürs pdf aufs Bild klicken oder hier für die Booklet Version


On The Out
A zine about life after prison

You’re holding in your hand what we hope
to be the first edition of “On The Out”, a
new pamphlet published by Bristol
Anarchist Black Cross. This zine is a
collection of writings by ex-prisoners and
their supporters on life after prison. We
hope that it will go some of the way to
filling the gap in prisoner support literature
for information on post-prison life.

October 2013 

Never Alone
A zine about supporting prisoners by those on the outside

This publication was created to give a voice to those that support people in prison. Often invisible, unsupported and unrecognised, thousands of people in the UK, and millions internationally, support friends, family, partners and comrades in prison.
Their support, love, money and solidarity help people survive their time inside. They directly experience the harm of the prison system; separated from the people they love and losing their lives to give time and energy to support people behind bars.

September 2014, Bristol Anarchist Black Cross

Schöner Leben Ohne Spitzel

Ein Ratgeber


[druckfreundliche Version]

What is Security Culture?

A Guide To Staying Safe…

This is a reprint of a guide called “What is Security Culture?” published by the CrimethInc collective. As far as we know, it first appeared in their book Recipes for Disaster: An Anarchist Cookbook and then appeared in a slightly updated form in 2009 on their website,
We’re reprinting this because the information contained within cannot be shared enough within our communities.

Security Culture

A security culture is a set of customs shared by a community whose members may be targeted by the government, designed to minimise risk.

Crimethink 2014

Security Culture – Deutsche Übersetzung

Vor euch liegt eine – so weit uns bekannt – erste deutsche Übersetzung der Broschüre zum Security-Culture-Konzept von  Crimethinc. Das englische Original findet ihr bei und im Crimethinc.-Reader „Recipes for Disaster“. Bei der Übersetzung des Textes aus dem Englischen ins Deutsche, haben wir versucht möglichst nah am Originaltext zu bleiben und den Sinngehalt nicht zu verändern. Die einzige grobe Änderung haben wir auf Seite 23 gekennzeichnet. Auch das Layout haben wir größtenteils kopiert. In den Illustrationen haben wir die Sprechblasen übersetzt.


Undercover Research Group


Auf der Flucht

Fantasma | from everywhere and nowhere. deutsch / english

clandestine anarchist newspaper with articles by anarchists on the run.

Fantasma #1. May 2018. deutsch / english

Fantasma #2. September 2018. deutsch / english

Fantasma #3. October 2019. deutsch / english

Fantasma #4. November 2020. deutsch / english

Von Sabotage, Repression und Rauchzeichen aus der Klandestinität
April 2017

Mitte Juli 2016 wurde bei einem Funkmasten in Zürich Feuer gelegt und dieser somit für mehrere Tage sabotiert. Dieser Funkmasten dient der Stadtpolizei Zürich als Notfunk-Antenne und ist eine für sie unentbehrliche Infrastruktur zur Garantierung ihrer internen Kommunikation und somit zur Aufrechterhaltung ihrer äusseren Kontrolle und Autorität. Am Tag nach dem Sabotage-Akt fanden in verschiedenen schweizer Städten mehrere polizeiliche  Hausdurchsuchungen statt.
Laut Durchsuchungsbefehlen wurde nach einer „dringend verdächtigten Person“ gesucht, „deren persönlich zuordenbare Artefakte gefunden worden waren“. Alle aufgesuchten Orte musste die Polizei jedoch mit leeren Händen wieder verlassen.
Die international gesuchte Person, ein anarchistischer Gefährte, ist seitdem von der Bildfläche verschwunden.

A collection of texts about sabotage, repressionand smoke signals from clandestinity, Zurich 2016

In mid-July 2016, a cell tower was set on fire in Zurich, putting it out of order for several days (causing 100 000 francs of damages). This cell-tower was also used as an emergency radio antenna for the city police of Zurich, an essential infrastructure, guaranteeing both its internal communication and contributing to maintain its control and authority externally.
The day after this sabotage, the police carried out several house searches in different swiss cities. According to the warrants, “a person specifically suspected” was being searched, because “some objects which personally belonged to the suspect had been found”. However the cops left the houses empty handed.
Since then, the internationally searched individual, an anarchist comrade, is nowhere to be found.

[Translation of the Zine „Funkstille“]




About Operation Panico
Against some Anarchists in Florence, Italy

Zine zur „Operation Panico“ in Italien, 2017 – 2018, engl.


Debattenbeitrag zu offensiven Prozessstrategien

Unsere Gedanken zu Repression, Knast und offensiven Prozessstrategien, Berlin 2019

