Posts Tagged ‘Antifascist’

[Vienna] The Threat of Fascism in Vienna is Real and it is Here

Donnerstag, Juli 9th, 2020

Quelle: interregnum

-Reporting from Vienna-

What has been happening in Vienna, Austria these past few days has shown once again how real and dangerous fascism is. No matter where it is, or where it’s from, and how little it concerns the political class and its executive arm so long as they can’t be called out for it . But that is exactly what we must do. Yesterday. Today. And Tomorrow.

Favoriten, Vienna’s tenth district, has a long tradition of being heavily working class and has long been a centre for radical politics, unfortunately on both sides. The Grey Wolves are a highly organized group of Turkish fascists who blindly follow the far right-wing party MHP and by extension the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his offensive war on Kurdistan and its people. They are portrayed in the bourgeois media as being a loosely knit group of youths, when they are in fact internationally organized and highly dangerous, with the intent of carrying the Turkish war on the Kurdish people out into the world and enforcing their world view. In Vienna, they consider themselves the be the “watchers” of the 10th district, where they regularly disrupt leftwing rallies, intimidate Kurdish and left-wing groups, and try to hinder people from attending cultural events or even drinking alcohol in public during Ramadan.

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