Posts Tagged ‘support’

Crowdfunding – Support revolution in Belarus

Sonntag, November 15th, 2020

Please spread the word and the link

In Solidarity


By Anarchist Black Cross Belarus

For over three months, people in Belarus have been fighting against the authoritarian regime.

In 26 years, dictator Lukashenko has built a system aimed at suppressing any political life. The coronavirus and a number of economic problems
have greatly changed what is happening in the country. In a few months, Belarusians have learned to self-organize. The presidential elections provoked a wave of the largest protest in the country’s history! But the tyrant does not want to give up his throne. At least 5 people were killed (some died under strange circumstances). Thousands of people were beaten and disabled by the violence of the police. More than 15 thousand
have been detained and sentenced on administrative cases. More than 500 criminal cases have been initiated. At least 200 people are awaiting
trial in the pre-trial detention center (including at least four anarchists and four anti-fascists).

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