Gerichtsverhandlung am 22.2.2021/Courthearing on February 22nd 2021
+++ Gerichtsverhandlung in der „Causa Rheinmetall“ +++
Liebe Freund*innen, Genoss*innen, Gefährt*innen,
Am 22.2.2021 ab 9:15 Uhr findet am Wiener Landesgericht für Strafsachen die Gerichtsverhandlung in der „Causa Rheinmetall“ statt. Den 4 Angeklagten wird Sachbeschädigung und in einem Fall auch Widerstand sowie schwere Körperverletzung vorgeworfen.
Lassen wir unsere Genoss*innen und Freund*innen nicht alleine. Stay tuned und zeigt eure Solidarität!
‼️Hintergründe und Informationen‼️
‼️Spendenkonto‼️ Rote Hilfe Wien IBAN: AT46 6000 0103 1036 9883 Betreff: Antimilitarismus
In Solidarität ✊🏽✊🏻✊🏿 #rheinmetallentwaffnen #gemeintsindwiralle #solidaritätgegenrepression
Image above: Cops kettled a group of antifascists for several hours
Vienna. Austria. What happened on January 16 2021 afternoon in Vienna was a disgrace. It has taken me some time to process this, but there is no way that this can be allowed to remain unchallenged, or even just uncommented. Just to be perfectly clear, I entirely agree that there are more than enough reasons to criticise the neo-liberal response to this pandemic. The fact that public life has been shut down almost entirely for so long and all the insecurity that comes with that, is incredibly potent fuel for anger. Of course it is. I am angry too. I am sad too. I have no idea what will happen next, and that is an absolutely terrible situation to be in. But the reaction we saw in Vienna was sickening.
On January 16 2021, thousands upon thousands of Covid-19 deniers gathered on the Heldenplatz in Vienna and set off to march around the city. This in itself is reason enough to worry, considering their unfathomable egoism and wilful ignorance in the face of anything that does not fit their narrative. The estimates range between 10 000 and 15 000 attendees, and of all those people hardly anyone wore a face mask and nobody made sure to keep their distance to each other. These people came from all over the country to vent their anger at the governmental regulations concerning this ongoing pandemic. Considering the rising numbers of suspected cases of new mutations of the virus, and the low number of people who have been able to get their hands on a vaccine this is even more troubling. This was a veritable super-spreader event, and those same people will go back to wherever they came from to spread the virus further.
Presenting 56 pages of anti-organisational, insurrectional, anti-civilisation anarchy of the 21st Century. A collection of critical texts and letters from anarchist points of view examining the new changes in production and social control brought about by new technologies which are ushering in a totalising prison-world and the advance of smarter-than-human machines. This issue of 325 builds on the considerations and content of the last issue which took as it’s focus the subject of the Technological Singularity. Six years later, the mechanisms, ideologies and impacts of this global dystopian project are nearer and clearer and the texts you will read in this new issue deal with the emerging realities of these technological revolutions.
Anarchist newsletter with info about the coming international meeting against the techno-prison world taking place in Italy, an article against the new social transformations of 4IR, report about 5G sabotage in UK and a quick point at two corporate targets in UK.
1. ‘Against the Fourth Industrial Repression’ – The Acorn 2. 2nd International Meeting: 3 Days Against Techno-Sciences, Italy 3. 5G Arson Sabotage, Conspiracy Theories and UK 4. Corporate Enemies List – Facelift + KN Group
jedem Berliner Park eine Wanne. Die Besatzungen beäugen
misstraulisch jede Aktivität Derjenigen, die sich in die
Frühlingssonne gewagt haben. Drei Fußball spielende Kinder sind ein
Grund einzuschreiten. Wir haben schon vor Jahren gelernt, ab Drei ist
man eine terroristische Vereinigung. Nun also auch die Kinder. Völlig
willkürliche Größenordnungen werden verkündet und durchgesetzt.
Wir erinnern uns, noch vor ein paar Wochen versammelten sich
Zehntausende in den Fußballstadien, da waren schon Tausende in China
an dem Virus gestorben, der jetzt als Begründung für jegliche
Absurdität des Pandemie Ausnahmezustandes herhalten muss. Drei
Kinder sind eine Gefahr, fünfzig Menschen in einen S Bahn Waggon auf
dem Weg zu gesellschaftlich unsinniger Arbeit sind kein Problem.
Letter from anarchist prisoner Emma Sheppard in response to her sentencing
Saturday 28th February 2015
I just watched myself on TV, which I hope is an experience I never repeat. It cheered everyone up on the wing though! I thought I’d write to try and process some of the stuff that’s been happening. But I’m not feeling at my most eloquent (plus I’m obviously limited by my surveillance) so I thought I’d use some of the quotes that have inspired me since being in prison.
Dolly Parton said, “If you want a rainbow, you’ve got to put up with a little rain.” I feel really lucky to have so many folks in my life to weather the storm with and I am happy to have less rain that I thought I would. It saddens me that this may be due to my portrayal as a ‘good girl gone bad’. Why can’t empathy and anger co-exist? To me they are all part of solidarity. I am not special. I just do what feels right for me. I think its because of my gender (and maybe my class) that these distinctions are made.
26.09.24 | 20:00 Mein Genosse, der Spitzel. Über Security Culture und dem Umgang mit verdeckten Ermittler*innen und anderen Informant*innen @ekh [mehr Infos]
28.09.24 | 20:00 ABC Solidarity Ball - Dress up and celebrate with us! @ekh more infos soon!
Aufgrund des fehlenden Interesses findet die offene Schreibwerkstatt im Moment nicht mehr statt.
Monatliches Infoblatt von ABC Wien
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